the darn headlights broke

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Oct 30, 2016
Spalding uk
hi all
well just to add to the saga of ever getting this ape ready, I pulled off the main headlight rubber( to swop for leds) to see the bulb moving.
out comes the light unit to hear a rattle . just me? a further shake and out drops 2 pieces of metal - no not metal but headlight plastic bulb shoulders:eek:.
I cant glue them unless I split the light, to which there would be no guarantee of permeant repair.
Jeez probably old and fragile as this ape was left for 5 years under canvas.
so choices:
1: get another light that will fit
3: scrap
4:put it in the garden and watch it turn to rust

rsv mille 99 that's bleeding me dry.

my searches have been less than expected as I only seem to be able to find oem and no custom ones , which could be an option if cheap enough lol.
any help would be kool even if it sounds KrAzy

was going to try and split the headlamp but seems no point as one of the light bezels has been glued prior which must of been a bad job even back then.
That and the inner fittings are loose and/or broken.
Now then , where did I put my repair hammer?


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