Suspension settings for -02 rsvr

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What would you recommend for basic set up for suspension.
The drive is 80% small winding fun roads with variable speeds (even on Finnish telly we had a program how you lads speed on suburban roads in UK and i am afraid that our election selected decision maker want to do a bench mark).
Yes i might not notice the speedo reading at all times, but I ma also a human and we do make mistakes.

I am 90 kg of a driver and i like to take the corners.

There must be a rides sized as me who has tested this before me so please help me and i do not need invent the wheel again...

And for a track day how much harder must i go???

I have now all the winter to set the basics and study the f... manual.

Cheers !
Jussi everyone's suspension settings preferences are different, so do a search on suspension sag.

Set everthing back to the standard Aprilia settings and go from there. For road riding you want to go with the softest settings you can get away with. It's only for track riding that you'll need to stiffen the bike up

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