Starter motor will not turn the engine over.

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Sep 12, 2008
Stavanger, Norway
My 00 mille will not start. I can hear the starter motor tryes to turn the engine but it is like it don't have enough power to crank the engine. I have changed the battery last month..but as it gets colder outside the harder it seems to crank. I did buy a new starter motor from af1 racing, but the did send me a tuno starter so i had to return it to get one for the mille. So now i stand here without anything to drive with.

How can i measure the starter motor to find out that it is broken? The brushes did seem ok when i opened it.
It still maybe youe battery , how old is it ?, also your starter solenoid could be fritzed.

Dont keep trying to start it until you get a known well sorted battery on there, you could bugger the sprag clutch and that wont be nice at all.
The battery is brand new and in top condtion, the second time i have replaced it this year. So the battery is not the problem.
I bought this bike for about 7 months ago, and i can see that the starter relay has been changed on the bike, cause it is an 100 amp relay and the original is not that mutch.

What is a starter solenoid? And where is it located on the bike?
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I had a brand new battery delivered in the wek, it was more faulty than the original, just because its new doesnt make it "good" (but thats just my thoughts). I think you need to look at the sprag clutch then (but there are others with far superior knowledge on that subject, I am sure they will be around soon)
I can't have got 2 bad batteries in 6 months, but to be sure i will take them to my battery dealer, they only sells battries so they can measure both under load to see the condition of them, but i feel that this is not the problem. What is symptom when the sprag clutch is fault?

Ok..i have did check the sprag clutch (starter clutch in the haynes manual) It rotates free anticlockwise and locks clockwise and the repair manual sayes that if it does that it is ok.
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What battery did you get? If you read most threads on this (or any other!) RSV forum you'll see that uprating the battery is pretty common. I've just fitted a YTX14-BS to mine and it turns over much more happily in this cold weather.
Ok, now i have ordered a new yamaha solenoid and the iridium spark pluggs from Wemoto. So now i am gonna do the "brown connector" modification to get better charging and clean all the other connections, hope that will sort it out.

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