Sprag clutch issue??

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Aug 27, 2022
Norfolk, UK
New fully charged battery.
First start of the day and turns over very slow like its a bad battery but will fire up if lucky.
After that it's starts fine for the rest of the day?
Someone said that they thought it could be the sprag clutch but wondered whether anyone else could confirm before I start ripping bits off?
Sounds more like the starter solenoid or battery cables.
The solenoid should be a 150amp one and only use a genuine part. The starter cables were borderline even when new so buy and upgrade heavier gauge kit.
Andip is the new battery a lithium one.
Hi Aldo, I don't have the tuono, but I have a gen 2 rsv1000r and I had similar problems!!. I upgraded the starter, upgraded the battery and cables all supplied from AP Workshops( Griff and staff are excellent) but to now avail, she( the bike) eventually started to squel like pig( no punt intended to the film Deliverance)and would not start at all

So went down the road of new sprag clutch, and also ordered the sprag outer and inner, .( be aware) that I had to also order a specific flywheel bolt to get it off can't remember the company but had to be order from Aprilla direct.

Long story short, replaced all parts and 2 click of the starter she wants to take off!!!!!.

I hope this is of some advice, but if it lazy it sound like it's on it way out, Sorry!!!!

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