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Sep 2, 2012
I know this has been covered loads before, but just to clear any confusion.
I have a gen 2 , I've had it over 2 years now , and since day one I had been meaning to sort a better side stand out, esp after reading how much it cost Tifa when his fell over.
The options seem to be .
A fork out for an American spec stand, but with taxes etc could be over £100,( still cheap compared to repairing damage) but still expensive.
B. Buy a second hand RR blade stand as they bolt straight on, but second hand they are rare as hens teeth, and still around £70, C buy a new RR blade stand for about £70. It pains me to fork out for that kind of cash for something as basic as a sidestand.
So being the tight **** that I am,:yes and after a conversation with Tezzpip, I opted for a second hand blackbird stand, complete with springs, frame bracket, delivered for £20.
If you take the blackbird stand apart and bin the springs, and frame bracket, then drill a small hole in the stand to accommodate the side stands switch pin, it bolts straight up to the Aprilia set up. Simples.
It's just another alternative if people are unsure .:dunno
I dare leave the bike on inclines etc now, with the confidence it's going to be on it's wheels, unlike when it had the shyte on it Aprilia send them out the factory with.
It also tucks up neatly out the way.:thumbup

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