Want To Buy side stand

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Nov 26, 2012
Plymouth, Devon
Hi guys

Does anyone happen to have a CBR '04-'07 or a US spec tuono side stand they could sell to me? I've been after one for ages.

For the price of getting a used CBR stand from the US and payment of import duty (which my local deilvery centre ALWAYS applies) its only a few quid less than buying a new CBR stand from the UK. Also, on ebay UK they seem to be non existent....all I can think of is that '04-'07 CBR riders must be the safest on the planet....cos their bikes certainly aren't being broken!! :(

Glad it's not just me who can't find a 04-07 fireblade stand for my 07 T on fleabay.. Think you're right Mossy, they're like Hen's teeth in the UK. If you find one ill try not to bid against you lol.
why don't you just order a new fireblade stand ? They're not that expensive and considering how much it would cost to fix your bike when it topples over.

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