Should I or not?

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Aug 14, 2007
Farnborough, Hampshire
I would like a bit of advice please.
Now I fully admit there's is nothing wrong with my mille, it gives me a huge grin everytime I fire her up and ride her, but...
Today I was at a local dealer and they had two of the newer shaped rsv's and personally I really like that shape, anyway one is a factory the other is a standard rsvr, both in black and both look gorgeous, I have to admit I'm very very tempted to change mine for one of them, to be honest I fell in love with them!!
In fact I've spent the rest of the day going through the do I or don't I scenarios!!11
So what I would like to know is honest opinions please:

Is it worth changing to the newer shape?
Are they a better bike?
If I do change, is it worth going for the factory or not?
Take one for a test ride see how you like them. If you love it go for it :thumbup
It's a personal thing really, I rode quite a few before I settled on my 2001 RSV.

I personally thought the 2004 models lacked feel in steering but had more poke from the motors.

Reason I went for the 2001 RSV was the price and I really liked the blue.
Yeah, as Sprocker says, get out for a good run on it and see how it feels in comparison. Think if you can stretch to the Factory that's the way to go. In saying that, there's not quite so big a difference in the newer models factory version compared to the older shape where you got the Ohlins, Oz's etc.....

Hard choice...........wish i had to make it ! ! :thumbup
QUESTION 1 will it make you happy QUESTION 2 will her in doors be happy if q2 is yes q1 is yes by default me finks lol

i have the 05 rsvr and its lovely mate i like both models mk1 and mk2 just go for it life is way way too short for wat if's :thumbup
I chose the newer model from the original :thumbup

Never regretted it. Personally I always felt the first Mille I had (2000 model) always felt a little top heavy ...............

As for Factory v RSVR I got the RSVR because the Showa suspension is more user friendly ( aint leaking all the time ) ... I ride on the road now only ( these bikes are to expensive to trash on tracks, unlike my Thundercats ).

Would prefer the oz wheels of the Factory ......

If your on a tight budget I would beware cos you definately gotta budget for:

New cans

PC III usb and a custom map

The above two certainly transformed my bike ..................

" are they a better bike? " course they frickin are :devious :nana
From personal experience, if you can keep your older bike, as well as the new one, and am still totally happy with the new one after a month, then you can rehome your old one, but if you decide it wasn't right for you, then you still have your old one to go back to, and you will have the answer whether you made the right choice.

My missus is sick and tired of me accumalating so many bikes forweeks on end, then i remind her of my 14 bikes i had before she moved in and she leaves me be.

I chose a 2000 model through personal choice, i could have had a newer model, but prefered the looks of the older one, and have been spending the money saved on little extra's for her, not including the things she's needed.

Reckon i'll keep her for a couple of years yet, although i might be tempted to geta new one next year if the prices keep falling as well, and then use this one for track days etc
You've got motive (you've fallen in love) and opportunity (the money), think you've answered your own question. And it's not about whether they're better bikes, it's about whether you love it more than the one you've got.
Cheers guys, this is such a tough decision.
I think if I do go for it I might plump for the factory as there's only a few hundred quid between them.
Already got clearance from the missus, in fact she seems to be encouraging me to upgrade!
If I had the choice I would keep my current one as well, she's been the best bike I've ever had.
Might go back to the shop today and book a test ride to help me make my mind up.
Hi matey.....good call, well worth checking out via test ride as they are different beasts. I've had both and it really depends what you're seeking. The newer model has more of a top-end rush to it with less mid-range and less engine certainly is a bit slicker to ride...however as a short arse myself I've found the older model to be a bit more user friendly and I'm really enjoying the midrange grunt...horses/courses etc... Just have fun!
Well I've just got back from test riding both of them.
The RSVR was stunning, it felt like a new bike.
The Factory wasn't as good, when riding it felt really sloppy it had done a few more miles and I think it had been a bit abused. I don't think all factory's are like it just that particular one.
Overall I think they are an evolution of the old style, am in even more of an indecision now as to what to do!
The only photo I could find was the one of the RSVR
if you buy factory and its been abused your gonna kick yourself , personally i would buy the one that felt right and spend the money you will no doubt save on goodies :devious .but i'm not a track rider so would prob not be able to tell the difference between ohlins and other makes anyway. if you simply must have the factory look around at some others and test em . my rsvr is enough for me and its always felt planted on the roads .if you go for a later 06 on rsvr the forks are ohlins anyway :biggrin