Scottoiler fitment

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Dec 9, 2008
Deepest, Darkest, Wiltshire
Hi all

I am just about to fit a scottoiler to my 08 RSV-R...... yes i know some people hate them and others love them etc etc.

i personally have had them on several Gixxers and found them to be of great use especially when touring through Norway and Alps etc so though I would fit one to new new steed.

My question for all you RSV gurus out there is - where is the best pace to take the vacuum feed from?

For those no familiar with Scottoilers they are activated by the engine vacuum and hence only work with the engine running. It was easy on the gixxer to put a T-piece in the vacuum hose, not yet had a good poke about under tank on the RSV.

Any help appreciated that will save heartache and much scratching of heads:dunno

Cheers TT
If you go onto the scottoiler website you can get detailed fitting instructions for each specific model of bike. I did for my T but changed my mind about fitting it cos I couldn't totally hide the feed tube.
Can't remember what the address is but I'm sure Google will remember.
Thanks BoB,

I had checked the Scottoiler site and seen that they states it fits but never noticed the adobe sign of "how it fits" link!

Can't see a fitment guide on the 2008 model but I imagine it wouldn't be too much different to that of an earlier model.

Check out this link - Click Me
Thanks all. Will give it a go tomorrow,

Normally I'd say post up a 'How to guide' for us to follow but I can only dream of owning a 2008 RSV.

A wife, four anklebiters and a dog round me neck = poverty.

A wife, new baby boy, mortgage etc........

but good trade in and 0% for 2 years swung the "do it now or you will never ever ever ever be able to do it again"!

So before I get too old and restricted...:doug

Ay TT. Where are you to in Wiltshire (partly so I can avoid the roads your Scroteoiler drips oil all over!)?
Sounds like a plan! I regularly go to the Red Lion on a Wed and the Lysley Arms on outskirts of Chippenham on a Mon. Ride out with "Fat Albert's" MC on sunny evenings when I am in the country. Always looking for other rides etc

Keep in touch when the weather picks up


ps what is your stomping ground in Wilts?
Sounds like a plan! I regularly go to the Red Lion on a Wed and the Lysley Arms on outskirts of Chippenham on a Mon. Ride out with "Fat Albert's" MC on sunny evenings when I am in the country. Always looking for other rides etc

Keep in touch when the weather picks up


ps what is your stomping ground in Wilts?
I'm in Amesbury and my riding buddies are around this area hence Avebury is a pretty central place to meet up with Swindon bods.

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