Sat 24 Sept ride out - Geordie land

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Jul 27, 2009
Co. Durham - England
Any one interested in a ride out on sat 24th Sept.

My mate has a blade & is thinking it might be a last chance for some week-end fine weather.

Nothing definite planned yet, possibly setting off mid morning, from Durham / Hartlepool / Darlington area & heading up the coast for a change, then inland before heading back home.

Or somewhere else if anyone else has a better plan.

North york moors or weardale, etc.
Yeah, me too! He waits till I'm back away at work again before the invite! Just cos he doesn't like my wheel rim tape!!
Seriously tho, maybe sort another run out when I get home. We would maybe need some different coloured t's tho!!
If there is a mass turn out of blue / white T`s, its just as well there are a few minor improvements so we dont jump on the wrong bikes.

Mines bog standard appart from a smoke puig screen that I put on to go to Assen.

I didn`t say I did not like your rim tape, I just suggested that I was not sure. But now that I have thought about it, I have made my mind up.
I didn`t say I did not like your rim, I just suggested that I was not sure. But now that I have thought about it, I have made my mind up and I think it's scrumptious.

O whit's all this aboot rim's, yer gone all queer mucker ???
Vain attempt at humour shaun. :no
Not really mucker.

I jist love to wind up the man wae the strides 'n brogues.
Enjoy the ride out mate. If I'd seen the thread before this morning I may have turned out, as it is the mrs collared me last night to go out today - bollocks
I have just realise that I have gone past 100 posts.

Aldo, I am too old a cat to be wound up by a kitten you you.

Good attempt at humour tho. 3 out of 10.
Ditto what GF said "enjoy the ride guys!" hope the weather stayed ok for you. get some pics posted!

The ride out was spot on. Went Durham way, onto Stanhope.

Had a bit to eat, basked in the sun.

The clouds to the north were black & looked like thunder, we spoke to some lads that had come down from Hartside & they said it was absolutely pissing down up that way, so we headed south, over the moors to Barnard Castle.

The rain stopped off & we had a jolly good day out.

I dont have any pics, my phone only holds about 3 images. Any way,not sure how to attach them so they appear in the main body of the e-mail.
its nice riding over that way, Teasdale has some great roads (and scenery) we stop in Middleton-in- Teasdale for a cuppa sometimes at the little cafe near the T junction, and also at the cafe at the top end of the main street, on the Alston road. Not both on the same day tho!
Roads I use often Olaf. There's a cafe in Middleton, think its route 888 or something like that, he's pro bikes and has bike meets there each month.
Just mine. My mate accompanied on his Fire-place.

I think the thought of all those blue / white T`s that could have turned out intimidated the rest of the slower colors.
I think the thought of all those blue / white T`s that could have turned out intimidated the rest of the slower colors.[/QUOTE]

:lol you may be onto something there! :thumbup

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