buyer beware??..or not??

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Stop pissing about, just get it , wont regret it,sure there are issues, but nothing is insurmountable and this site has all the info you will ever need to fix any problems that arise.
In all my years I have never been more attached to a motorcycle as I have to this baby,I know the electrics as I have replaced most of the the brown connector and the round 5 pin between the cylinders ( mine is an 02 ) and the starter solenoid and you are there..........until something else goes.
Hey it can still show a clean pair of heals to most on a nice road with plenty of bends,drop the gearing down and they also pull **** hot wheelies,so you are there.
Just buy it and go with your heart.
You have two pretty girls you fancy the tits off, one agrees with everything you say, does whatever you want, will always be there at your beck and call and gives you the missionary every night . Nice for a while eh :devious

The other says make your own fcuking tea, and when youve done that get your kit off and take me doggy style big boy :doug:pirate

This is how i see it as a comparison for the mille against all other bikes i've had, which sounds the more interesting is the bike you need to buy mate :devious

Sprocks that is great :thumbup Sums it up a treat.

I've had a Suzuki SV1000s since they came available in March 2003 and although it's a cracking bike it has no SOUL .
What is has got ( amongst other things ) is troublesome main power connectors,dodgy leak prone clutch slave cylinder,and suspect wheel bearings,other than that it's generally boringly reliable.

I bought my 2003 Mille early this year with a view to using it as a track hack,I didn't even ride it first as it was as it was so cheap I couldn't not buy it ( it was a local bike with 2 owner known history)

The first time I rode it I fell in love with it, it's not much more powerfull than the SV,and as the Sv has a Maxton modded front end fitted it doesn't handle that much better either......................................... But when it comes to opening the garage door it's the Mille that comes out now more often than not,it's just somehow more involving,more of a soul stirring experience :inlove

Mind you, I must get round to replacing the brown connectors as preventive maintenance,the slave seal has already failed and been replaced,but I do have a full complement of working brakes and a reliable clutch.

I'd go along with Al on this,I'm not so sure about using it as a commuter (although mine has never let me down) but as a fun bike for sunny Sunday thrashes or when you want the whole 100% + full fat experience then undoubtably a big YES YES YES
Had mine just over 3 years and 27k miles, faults..One set fork seals, one speedo sensor and the usual crap back brake..Also had a 98 blade which was faultless..But soul less.
I bought a factory brand new in 04 when they came out. I'd had jap bikes and triumphs prior to that. The aprilia was THE best bike I'd ever owned. It was glorious, sounded amazing with the full akra system, handled like a dream, stopped on a dime, and pulled like a train on country roads. I absolutely loved every second I spent on her. During the 2 years I had her it went in 4 times for work under the warranty. It used to infuriate me when things went wrong but when we were out it stirred more passion and more interest from everyone I met than all my other bikes put together. When I sold her I was truely gutted.

I then bought an 04 R1 which is an awesome machine, insanely fast and stable and still popped bloody fork seals. I loved her but it just did not stir the passion, no one would ever give it a second look and the R1 is widely acredited as being the best looking jap bike.

I missed the big twin too much. My brother bought one in April and let me take it out. It reignited everything I had with my factory. I just cannot explain it. That was it after that, I had to sell the R1. I'm back on an rsv and I absolutely love it. Even though I now get cramp in my left arm from the heavy clutch, the rear brake that never works, the constant need to hook her up to the battery charger just in case it goes flat, the false neutrals I always get when I'm 'making progress', the indicators that just turn themselves on around 7thou rpm. I could go on but none of it makes any difference. The rsv is simply stunning and that's all that matters. If I used my head I wouldn't have one but riding is about passion and the rsv is in the heart. You need to buy that bike. You will love every single minute you spend with her.
This response is an all time great Sprocks and should be stickied. :doug

Mods, can you sticky this so it never never never gets removed? :thumbup

You have two pretty girls you fancy the tits off, one agrees with everything you say, does whatever you want, will always be there at your beck and call and gives you the missionary every night . Nice for a while eh :devious

The other says make your own fcuking tea, and when youve done that get your kit off and take me doggy style big boy :doug:pirate

This is how i see it as a comparison for the mille against all other bikes i've had, which sounds the more interesting is the bike you need to buy mate :devious
Go for it! Bikes are about passion not how efficient they get you from A to B.
My only suggestion is to look around, 5grand sounds a little pricey to me. I have just bought myself an 04 factory for under 4 grand with full history and 7k on the clock.
There seem to be plenty around for about 4 grand. Have a look at some of the bikes on here or even EBay where I found mine.
You wont regret it.
thanks for all the input guys! Had to make a really hard decision..
The recall issues have not been done for a start. Contacted previous owner(asked to see log-book at shop), and found out that the mileage was bogus! He'd done at least 20k when he sold her. So, I've walked away from the v twin...sort of..
..and bought highly modded SP1 with 10k on the clock with fsh...
Ohlins R&T Front Forks
PFM -F1 Front Braking System
Sprint Steering Damper
CRG adjustable Clutch & Front Brake Lever
Harris Rear Sets
Akropovic Titanium/Carbon Full Race Exhaust System
Ohlins Rear Shock
Kyle Rear Suspension Linkage
Undertray and modified lighting
Carbon Rear Hugger
All major bolts and pins etc in Titanium
Braking Wavy Rear Disk
Power Commander

Think I've got the best of both worlds....but we'll see.
Again, thanks for all the advice and comments. Best bike forum by a long way!

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