running temp 2007 gen 2

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Oct 13, 2012
the wasteland east anglia
hi chaps , after having a stator melt down last year after doing a lot of miles in blistering heat in france ,Italy and Switzerland .

im now keeping a close eye on the engine temp as I think this contributed to the electrical probs I had .and the fact that the stator relies on oil to keep it cool .

I have noticed that even in 30 deg air temp provided im doing about 60 /70 ish engine temp is about 77 to 80 degrees which is fine .

but pootling along in towns and slow traffic the engine temp rockets to 99 degrees and the fans cut in , im now finding this a bit alarming .

what sort of temeratures are you lot getting in similar situations ????????.

I have recently drained and flushed out the cooling system and replaced the coolant with the pink stuff ,it was well "burped " so I know there are no air locks and

the coolant levels over 1300 miles have maintained pretty constant .
Hilift what you saying is exactly how mine behaves and has done from new, if it was airlocked you would know the temp would climb very quickly even when moving. What oil are you running, Fully or semi synthetic ?

I have always used Fully in mine from new and it has never had a stator swap!
hs , thanks for reply . I have checked in the hand book and this is within normal running temps and compares exactly the same as a friends gsxr1000 !!!

I always use fully synth too of the correct grade . im just a bit paranoid now I guess !!!!!

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