Running on one cylinder

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Nov 1, 2017
Hi, new to the forum and after a bit of help, don't know if anyone can throw any inspiration my way?? Have an early RSV 2000 ish, that I've been building since about 2006! Got it almost there around 2010, up and running no problems, never actually ridden, bit of excess oil smoke on start up initially but think that was due to over filling and going through the air box, then it has sat from 2010. Have started regularly from then but then it started running on the rear cylinder only? so it sat since. Have recently been back to it not just remembering how I left it and found the coil wiring on both coils to the front were wired the wrong way so thought I'd cracked it. Made up some new coil +- leads, new plug leads reconnected the tank and fired her up. Spot on again, running like a dream. Couple of days later fired up again and thought initially heard a little bit of a split second stutter but then was straight onto two. Came to it today and it's back on the rear only??? Not tried swapping the plugs as they were new yes ago. But was going to try those maybe? Any help or inspiration would be much appreciated. Thanks.
Sounds like it could be a dodgy coil pack, or a bad feed to the front coils. I have got some coils if you want to try one.
Hi mark, thanks for the offer. I must have about a dozen coils which I have swapped around at various stages. Injector was a little waxed but cleaned that out but no luck. Gonna check the plugs for spark again at some point then thinking it may be something deeper, so might have to check compression etc. Just wondered if, with it being injection, or quite electronically developed for the time etc there was something else electrical that I might have to look at or if it's just a case of going through the usual suspects?? Thanks agin for the reply.
Hey, hopefully this doesnt come off as idiotic lol.
My Shiv has limp home mode where if a semi catastrophic error is encountered by the cpu, she will run on one cylinder only to limp home. Wondering if this is also in your mapping and something is triggering the mode...

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Hi. Thanks for the help. I THINK!!!!! I’ve sorted it. ����. Touching every bit of wood nearby!! Have looked into the limp home mode etc i still haven’t found out whether the early Mille actually had such s thing? But when looking at various bits of information found a few threads mentioning a limp Home mode after something has failed etc. Have had to repair bits of the loom and in particular the side stand switch and wiring etc and there is quite s few threads about this being problematic. So since relooking at that disconnecting the batt and reconnecting, it fired up straight away and has done each time since, so thanks for your help much appreciated. Keep the beast alive!!! ������

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