Running Hottttttttt!

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Jan 29, 2008
Avalon, Sydney, Australia.
Being in the land down under and the temps rising I was after any tips on staying cool. I only ride in leathers ,any idea's. while I'm here I also remember seeing a temp mod for Aprilia's (thermo?) that lowered eng. temp by 10degree's . Are they advisable, do they work and if so where can I get one. Love my beast though finding it hard to tolerate the heat. Running hot ,Steve.
G'day Steve, Know what you mean about the heat riding in leathers matey, Darwin at the moment is a killer. Round town riding, i use an Armoured + back protector Dri-Rider jacket when real hot instead of my leather jacket. Pants i will use a pair of Dragon jeans. This is city riding speeds on eg under 80kph.
AF1 Racing site has the 65* conversion thermostat mate, it can be bought online.
Cheers & a merry xmas to you & yours matey.
With the ***** weather we've got we really need to hear about 'being too hot' problems don't we? :rant

Actually, I'm just envious. Can't help you on any of your queries I'm afraid but I'm sat here fuming - the first Sunday for ages when it looks OK to ride out with my mates, my wife orders me to stay in as we've got guests coming for lunch! Yeah, I know, I'm henpecked:dowhat

Enjoy mate, with climate change on the way we might swap weather conditions with you.
Your pic suggests you might be running standard cans ?

If you are then going to aftermarket versions will help. The ecu will run the standard setup as lean as possible for emiisions reasons and lean = hot.
The headers especially get very hot from the cats on the standard system which can run up to 300 degrees.

Non cat cans = cooler bottom.
Thanks guys for the info,I have just put full akro's ,power com., air box and light weight chain with sprokets.Love the beast. Sorry we have the great wheather but sometimes it dose get really hot. Just went for on insane ride on the putty rd.(its on utube, not my ride.)not to hot, slept for an hour or more under a big tree just me and the birds.Bee's would have been nice ,that was in the dream. wishing all a merry xmass and a happy new year . Keep safe Steve.
Personaly I won't change the running temp of the bike, but for me, In the summer I wear a moister wicking Balaclava (head sock) year round and a white textile jacket. This past summer was the first summer with the white jacket and the difference is unreal.
Putty Road :pirate firkin insane ride that one mate.
:thumbup Hello from so cal.yep it gets hot here too.And I have put renagade pipes on my 07 and it helped out and I also ride in one piece suite and it is perferated and oh how sweet it is.well enjoy the hollidays and a very merry christmas to you all and a happy new year.p.s I wish troy would not have retiered wsb is going to awesome.. :doug donnie
Aussie Troy, :thumbup going out at the top of his game..wise i say..Legend in my eyes mate!
:thumbup Yep he is a ledgen for sure.I have followed him for a long time and just love the way he approches the thing.and yes a very wise chioce he made retire and enjoy the family and he is still very healthy.I should know i am epileptic .too many race crashes and head more racing for me.I am ok now..:doug. donnie

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