Rsvr 04 won't start

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Feb 28, 2008
hi guys need some input here

I have a mates bike and its an 04

it sat with no battery for over 6 months and the dash has reset itself to zero everything.

put a new battery in it

turn on the ignition key

and it primes the fuel.

all the lights on the dash light up then go out.

the rpm goes to 9 then back to zero

the EFI warning stays on.

Initially the side stand light stayed on but that has gone out now.

the neutral light does not stay on even tho the bike is in neutral.

the engine turns over on the starter but it does not fire.

the plugs have spark to them.

the engine will run if I spray ether in the air inlet.

other than that it wont fire up.

I've checked the connectors are all seated.

the neutral switch works as does the sidestand switch.

pulling in the clutch lever has no effect

It winds over with or without it pulled in.

I've tried to find the connector to put it in diagnostic mode but cant seem to see anything.

any ideas

cheers stu
Was it stored outside ?

The immobilisor connectors are very prone to corrosion as is the immobilisor ecu itself. When they act up it can do some weird stuff.

I would check the connectors on the left inner fairing panel around the immobilisor ecu (has zardi stamped on it) especially the big white one for corrosion and look for splitting/water ingress on the immobilisor. Also check the 2 x 30 amp fuses for corrosion behind the seat. I had one of those corrode badly and cause a voltage drop to the dash.
OK its not an immobiliser problem

dismanteled cleaned and checked ignition switch

checked most connectors

next ideas pls
Don't rule out the immobilisor because it looks ok externally. You need to ring Griff and find out how to bypass it to be sure.
Try disconnecting the batt neg for about 10 mins to reset the ecu. If it got spiked when you added the new batt it may have thrown a wobbly.

Although you have no neutral light the bike must think it is in neutral because unless the clutch is in it disables the starter when in gear. Do you get a warning triangle as well / checked for error codes ?

Also do the plugs look wet after an attempt to start ? If the pump is running but you have dry plugs it would suggest you have a fuel blockage or the injectors are not working. (confirm by ruuning with air filter out so you can see the injectors)
haven't pulled a plug yet but the immobiliser light goes out as it should

It has spark.

the sidestand light is back on again.

I've pulled the battery half a dozen times so far :banghead

I clamped the return line from the injector rail in case the reg was leaky.

tomorrow I'll check the injectors spray ( there is a signal to them.)

and pull the plugs out.

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