RSV4 Factory Ohlins fork leaky seal

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Aug 19, 2012
South west UK
I just had a 300 mile round trip on my factory yesterday, its 3 years old with 10K on it, I have had it a year (2nd owner) and giving it a clean today found oil residue & grime on my left fork leg and caliper mount etc. I gave it a clean and pumped the forks and it definitely looks like a leaky leg seal, so having had a look on t'internet I have seen the ads for the 'Sealmate' tool, which at just over a fiver looks well worth a go, my questions are:
Should I worry about the amount of oil lost? there was a fair bit of grime and some splashing on the front wheel rim?? or will that be negligible ? I did a 150 mile trip up and then back in 1 day and it was definitely not leaking before I went, I notice stuff quickly and always give my bike a quick look over before setting off, (having gone to pull away before on older bikes then realising some dick must have knocked it off its stand and bent / broken pegs & levers!!)
Has anyone else used the sealmate tool? if so does it work & will my seal be ok and not loose any further life expectancy ? how long should seals last ? I have had bikes for over 20 years and only ever had a couple dirt bike seals go, never a road bike including in my early club racing days when I seemed to enjoy crashing... a lot!
I have a great local garage / mechanic I used to use for suspension bits so getting them serviced properly is an option but that will probably be £150 I expect?, so £5 for the sealmate looks a cheap option (providing it works !)
Any help / advice appreciated
Cheers S
Well, no replies but I will follow up :)
I tried the seal-mate but it didn't work so it must have been a damaged seal rather than dirt?
I put it into my local dealer who has serviced both legs, new seals & fluid etc. for a fair price - a smidge over £120 all in with parts & the VAT , that was ride in-ride out too no faffing about myself! so thats it we are back in business :)
Now its bloody raining again :(

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