RSV-R factory 04 immobilser ECU.....please help....

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Apr 21, 2011
How do.

My Immobilser ECU has recently self destructed. I turned the key after about three months of no use and a plume of smoke rose up through the yolk. It carried on burning away even after the key was removed. It took me around 30 seconds more to remove the battery leads. Needless to say, I was gutted.

I have seen all the posts of the other 04s ECU faults and I did look at fixing it. When I separated the box, the circuit board had been eaten and turned into the aforementioned smoke. There is no fixing this one.

I've replaced the ECU with a second hand one, but obviously it doesn't recognise my key. I've had lots of problems with dealers not understanding that I want a blue key to reprogram my ECU.

Bottom line is my princess is sat outside, very quiet, with all the parts she needs to run, but won't. Am I missinformed over the whole blue key reprograming thing? Do I need to bite the bullet and buy new?

Can anyone help?

Does anyone know how to bypass the ECU altogether? (please don't post a reply to this question. Email [email protected])

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