Rocker cover leak ?? Maybe

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Apr 9, 2013
So my 03 Mille developed a weep from the front rocker cover first and then the back so I deceived to get them both replaced. The mechanic that changed them is well know here in Dublin for tuning and has some experience of racing an RS 125 So potentially a good guy.

Anyway the back one failed because it was seated using silicon and by a previous owner and by all accounts it requires a dry seat. So he cleaned off the silicone and used the same gasket again??? is this advisable. All was going well but the back rocker cover has started to leak again after only 200 or so miles.

His first explanation is that the bike is developing too much crank case pressure and blowing the rocker cover seal? but from reading posts here the Mille's engine develops a lot of pressure naturally. I asked him to check it and so he put the bike on a Dyno and ran it to see if he could spot the exact source of the leak while it was warm.

He said that at full chatt a mist of oil is coming from what he thinks is the head gasket and condensing on the back of the cylinder head just below the rocker cover gasket? but from reading posts here the head gasket is not something that goes.

From what I can see the oil is coming from the rocker cover again but he is calming its the head gasket. He also clamed that the Race-lift exhaust system is not producing enough back pressure and this could be adding to the problem?

So the plan of action is to replace the back rocker cover gasket again and see what happens. Is there anything else I should look out for?
and when you put them in, take your time as they can twist a bit and distort themselves, and you'll get a less than perfect seal.
Cheers Guys gasket purchased, should have it Friday and then a bit of tinkering on Saturday.

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