a.i would put them through my neighbours letter box ;-)
q. what you gonna vote net general election
Just not go out with him again
Do you ever gets periods of being bored with riding?
do you think electronic aids in WSB/Motogp add to the spectacle or have they reduced the racing to how good your laptop is ?[/QUOTE said:I think it has taken away from the spectacle that is top class racing, I used to love watching JT get the back end of his bike sticking out and wheel spinning round corners - it's a very rare sight nowadays.
- If you could dig straight through the earth from one side to the other would you, when you emerged, fall into the sky or fall back down your own hole?
Slow down, go home and put the bike in the garage, tell the missus what happened, then wait for the inevitable knock on the door. If it came, i'm fooked, job, no wages, plus she would batter me into 2010.
If you were riding in a residential street, and 2 different obstacles appeared in your path at the same time, the first being a 8 year chav, the second being a mum cat and 5 kittens, which wold you hit?