riders4research Snetterton track day Friday 19th August 2011

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Alright mate

I've been at cadwell with Easytrack today. They are definitely pushing the boat out with advertising the Snett event. Flyers and posters everywhere. Good to see!
Alright mate

I've been at cadwell with Easytrack today. They are definitely pushing the boat out with advertising the Snett event. Flyers and posters everywhere. Good to see!

Top lads them! Tis cos we need a full event to make the day a real success. Good to see they are putting the stuff I gave em to use. You booked in yet?

How was cadders today then?
Cadders was a little bit drizzly and I was knackered and hungover.

That is my latest excuse for riding like a fairy
I didn't get my arse in gear and get the FZR sorted in time, been too busy with work. I took the Tuono at the last minute. She was great but I was holding back as usual
Sorry dudes only just logged on, been fiddling with my new toy

It's a 93 FZR400RR with a 95 600R engine in it, cheap as chips and it definitely looks it. It is road legal and carrying the full trim but I'll be using it mainly for track days.

The tuono's still with me :thumbup

Sold the FZR, gotta find a replacement before Snett!
On it robbo, just heard it could be beginning of september if i need a new one, unless in stock in the uk !!
fantastic news is it AINT the ecu, put it on Shotguns bike and it ran fine, just gotta find what it is now....fairplay to Sean, not many people would let you pull their pride and joy apart, TOP BLOKE !!
fantastic news is it AINT the ecu, put it on Shotguns bike and it ran fine, just gotta find what it is now....fairplay to Sean, not many people would let you pull their pride and joy apart, TOP BLOKE !!
Brilliant news Dave, just gotta find that fault now. That's why this forum is like family at times, top man Shotgun!
Alreet Robbo,

Got a new track bike now! Need to get a trailer and tow bar yet though

Anyhoo, do you know what the score is with camping?
Afternoon, hope ya all good & keeping well.

Just over one week to go, whoop whoop, god I'm excited, never done or been to Snetty before & can't wait.

Looking at the bookings, to make the day a real success for Cancer Research, we could do with another 35 riders. I know it's a lot to ask at this late stage but if you're thinking of booking in please do & if you know of anyone else away from the forum that may fancy it, please please please plug away for me.

Yes, camping at the circuit is available. It's free of charge but you must be there by midnight.

Here's to a great day. If you see me, ugly guy with Alpinestars leathers on a white Tuono, make sure you come say hi.

I will be back with a final update on numbers before next Friday.

Chow for now, Robbo.
Robbo, I am required at a meeting in boyo land on that date, so no chance for me (unless they cancel :) )
Rob, did you find out if they were gonna let us out the evening before? If so, what time do we need to be there?

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