If you are happy the way the bike steers just now you will need to raise both front and rear to keep the balance, raising the rear on it's own will make the bike turn in/steer quicker, the trade off being stability if you go too far.
Increasing the preload back and front will also increase ride height, for those wishing to quicken the steering you are better raising the rear than pulling the forks up.
You achieve better grip levels by raising the rear due to the swingarm angle/position, plus you don't compromise on ground clearance by lowering the front.
The rear shock has 10mm of thread you can use to get more rear height.
My advice is raise the rear using the shock length to give you the ride height you are trying to achieve, then start raising the front in stages to get back to the speed of steering you are happy with, doing it this way will keep the balance which is so important.