rear brake info required

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Jul 14, 2018
Hi everyone, since buying my gen1 tuono factory I seem to be on hear all the time. However its a great bike and I am determined to get it sorted. So I have just purchased a new ducati 1098 brake cylinder and would like to know what brake line to purchase as the, cylinder has a side banjo mount not the same as tuonos. Also are their any other mods I need to complete? Pictures and part nos would be helpfull. Regards to all and many thanks for your advice lucas60
here is an update, I purchased a master cylinder from a Ducati 1098 and rear hose made up by hell performance. new pads then bled the system every thing now works fine although the piston from the brake lever could do with being slightly longer to allow more adjustment. hope this info is usefull regards lucas60

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