Radiator guards

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As I was on bit of a loose end this afternoon, I took a trip to check out the diamond mesh material for the rad guards.
Wow, really bling colour in anodised copper cum brass colour. Exactly the shade I reckon would go well against the black of the rad.
Out comes the invoice, gets me cash out to pay and "dont accept cash here only credit cards or cheques" says the dude, bosses rules.
So after much planning over the weekend, it aint gonna happen. Spect I 'll have to go walkies with her indoors and not hide away in me garage!!
Trip out on Monday wiv me card.
No cash? Thats a new one on me, most people love cash, that way the bastard tax man don't see it etc.
Never mind, enjoy the walkies.
Exactly what I had in mind........the description of the taxman. Wow could I tell you some stories about him.......not to mention the VAT hoodlum!!
Apologies for not posting earlier, I have the mesh, but as yet, not quite finished making up the templates. Mid week [ish] should have at least some pics to post on here.
Excess work, day and eves and its getting worse.
Heya Chips +1 on the rad guards. Could really do with a set without spending a fortune. Good luck with it all! :)
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Hi one and all, apologies for my lack of absense. Been v/busy setting up an engineering business alongside my own dent repair job.
Just too many hours and not enough playtime. Now xmas is here, I have 4 days off and going to finish what I started on the guards.
In saying that, have a best mate over from Spain so there maybe some merriement taking place, but hangovers apart, I am sort of
focused to get things moving.......hic
No worries MC & thanks for keeping us updated. My bike is snuggled up in the garage for winter now anyway.
Good luck with the business, and enjoy the celebrations.
All the best mate
Thanks GF, you have a good one too, have a drink on me!
By the way, what your email address, send you a christmas greet. pm me.
Well, at last. Finally had time to get on me hands and knees and sort out some guards for the rads. Even if I say so myself, being a real fussy bugger they do look goooooooooooooood!
Have to admit, thats very close up thou...... The bog standard garage does not leave a lot of room with 3 bikes, a wardrobe, work bench, excess tools etc. to move around in.
Going to see if I can get a picture of the bling, hope its in focus, tomorrow. thanks for being patient fellas.
Far as price goes, send a pm. Thinking of putting some on ebay as a cheaper alternative to the over engineered ones on there. Simple is best.
Going to have me head pressed up against the wardrobe to get focus. Must loose some bulk, its a tight squeeze thro the bikes. One time got wedged and caught up on the darn footpegs.
Freed up, Stu, check your email, sent some pics. Hope they come out ok. If you have the knowhow, paste them on here too. Too ci to figure out how to do it.
bugger... the guys were on the way.... best call em back..
