quick clutch question!

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Super Garvey
Oct 5, 2008
Wiltshire, UK
With the amount of issues and mods I go to do to the bike, my wife is best pleased:thumbup
well another thing I have been meaning to ask is about the clutch. when at a stand still, I pull in the clutch and pop it into gear and the bike wants to roll forward a little like the clutch is being let out.
When riding it doesn't slip and fells strong and good. the fluid is black but don't want to change it yet until I finished sorting the brake out.

Could this the clutch wearing out or the springs or just a case of flushing the fluid through with clean?

Knowing my luck its springs, clutch plates and bled. lol :thumbup
You'll always get that initial clunk and a small lurch forward, it's all to do with the momentum of the gears coupled with your sudden selection of a gear and stopping that momentum dead in its tracks.

If your clutch is dragging then first off make sure your lever span adjuster is set so you are getting a full stroke on the lever, if that's OK then bleed your clutch, more than likely you have air in the circuit.

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