went having a little look at a bike in huddersfield today. was off work so thought id have a mooch.
really liked the riding position. bike wasnt as mint as id have liked. couple of bad scratches on tank, tail pod had all the paint worn off the top leading edge. didnt bother taking my lid so no test ride.
anyway i was having a little play sat on it and jesus, the clutch was really heavy. now to be fair ive only ever owned one bike with a hydraulic clutch. all the others have been cables. but are they all noticably firm/hard to pull in. or is that a sign of maybe a slave cylinder on the way out?
really liked the riding position. bike wasnt as mint as id have liked. couple of bad scratches on tank, tail pod had all the paint worn off the top leading edge. didnt bother taking my lid so no test ride.
anyway i was having a little play sat on it and jesus, the clutch was really heavy. now to be fair ive only ever owned one bike with a hydraulic clutch. all the others have been cables. but are they all noticably firm/hard to pull in. or is that a sign of maybe a slave cylinder on the way out?