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Mick Oliver

I havent been an RSV owner long have only ridden it once but like to get all the bad bits out of the way so I set about the mods with the help of you guys and previous threads that are on here.
You guys know your stuff :thumbup




The last one is the new stand from a guy that was recommended on the site but the other mods I have done are:-
Wiring mod extra wires
Yamaha solenoid
Soldered and removed old brown plug to rectifer
Changed all fluids to clutch and brakes for 5.1
Oil and filter change removed oil tank painted and checked base filter
Fit new R & G crash bungs
Fitted Corsa Tyres
Rim Tapes and Logos
MLP clutch slave
40 jet in gearbox

Got trouble with the cluctch through the lever bites about half way needs a better bite point any ideas:dunno

Just though I would put pictures on of a 400 GSXR GK76a which I got as a non runner but had fun mending it as it looked so nice.


Clean Mille you have Mick, see you've done all the mods. Just make sure you check out that rear shock link, they have a habit of running out of grease and falling to bits.

GSXR is a beauty, do you race or is it a just for fun bike?
Very Nice, I do like the Can.... What make is it ?
The baby gixer was just something that came up and I loved it but screaming at 15k lot of noise but would still stay with the 600's so light and flickable.:doug
No I dont race just trackdays love Brands, Silverstone and Donnington so much fun and no stupid cars:thumbup
I enjoy getting the bikes just up and running properly and getting them rideable.
The can is a Blue flame twin spout it has a solid plate in the lower tube and a baffle in the top one both held in with circlips but I thnk they must have fallen out:dunno
Because it would be toooo noisy without them:devious
It does rattle the garage abit when you run it up and set off a few car alarms:nana
Mick, great looking bikes lots of love and attention have gone into those. What gearing are you running Mick, standard for your 02 model is 17/42?

With regard to your clutch biting point, i suspect there is air in the system somewhere and will need to be rebled.

Here's a good write up on how to correctly bleed the cluuch and brakes on Milles
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I'm running a 17/34 do you think it would be better with a 16 on the front.
Just rebled the clutch if no good I will flush the system because I have a draper system to bleed and change fluid which works from a compressor but bit late to run that the missus will complain so probably do that tomorrow if the manual bleed did not work
Do you mean 17/44 Mick? Yes go for a 16 tooth front sprocket such as a Renthal one. The best gearing for pre 2003.5 Mille's is 16/44. You'll be amazed at how much better the bike is on this set up
In that case still go for the 16 tooth renthal to get 16/43 gearing, they're about £20 from B&C Express or i believe. It will be the best performance mod you'll make
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They both look great!

I know this is a scandelous thing to say on this site but I especially like the GSXR400. I always wanted one when I was a lad but by the time I could afford one there weren't many good ones around, and it's mint or nothing for me. Plus they were pretty expensive for what they were and I didn't/don't have your mechanical know how to fix one up like you did either. Real shame.

I'd love Suzuki to make a modern version, I'd buy one tomorrow if they did......:inlove, or maybe even a modern GSXR250, now there's a real screamer, an 18,000rpm redline back in 1990. Awesome!
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