Performance Filter - Help needed with connectors - Idles too high and dies

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Jun 13, 2014
Hi Guys,

I wonder if I may be able to get some help and advice. I introduced myself not to long ago and purchased a Performance Airfilter kit from Brooksy. Top Guy very pleased with the purchase. Now I fitted everything yesterday and connected most things up. I fired it up and it sounded great. Idle'd fine and went through the rpm's fine when twisting the throttle.

Now I realised I hadn't put the o'rings underneath the baseplate so I took everthing off again.

So far I have mounted the plate and connected everything back up. The bike is reluctant to start with out holding the throttle open.

Here is a picture of item fitted

Please ignore the cable tie that is just temporary. I have connected the two very small vaccum pipes. Question does it matter which way round theses pipes are.

This picture below is from the opposite side.

Now this item came apart and it appears to consist of a spring and a long screw. I put it back together but fear I might have broken it. Can anyone advise me what this item does and also does it matter which way round the two bigger pipes go.

Any help would be really really appreciated.

Many thanks

try switching the 2 small pipes on the sensor mate they look the wrong way around, also check you havnt dislodged the other end of the pipes when fitting
you say it idles too high and if that's the case I would also check the stepper motor RHS
also try and route the cables on the left hand side away from the lip of the base as they will rub and cause problems
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Thanks for the advice brooksy, I had a go at it again after work with a fresh look on things and got it sorted. I followed a guide from
Cleaning of the stepper motor
I don't know deefred but It helped me put mine back together. Top bloke
I moved the cables to where you recommended. I had this done by 18:15 and went for a ride out with a crf 450 sm and r1 down to oakdene cafe near brandshatch.
The noise is ridiculous. I get the whole bbbwwwwaaaaarrrrrpppp bbbbwwwwaaarrrrppp saying and it is addictive. It makes you fee like the bike is running at its potential. I didn't realise how air the bike could take in.

Thanks for the help
Bbbbbbbwwwwwwaaaaaarrrrrrrrppppppppppppppppppppppppp picture the bike at 9500 rpm 6th gear

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