Oil Pressure Warning...

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Apr 19, 2014
Wichita KS
Alight guys, a little help here please.

I'm getting the oil pressure warning.

Just started tonight after a rode just a few miles from my house and I've done some minor troubleshooting, but I'm no expert.

I checked my oil level again (right after riding like the manual says, just standing it straight up, no rear or front stands) right after I turned it off. It was a little high. So I drained a small amount out, now its right at the top Full mark.

Started it back up and the oil can and the red general warning light is still on/ Its only on when I'm at idle, at a stop, almost stopped, and basically when I'm really slowing down and there isn't much of a load on the engine and the bike is nearly stopped. As soon as I give it some throttle it goes away.

I'd say that this is probably the warmest day so far this spring when I've ridden (80 degrees F). I rode it at least once a week during the winter and most times more than that. So it's not like it's been collecting dust all winter...

Also I'm running 10W40. Should I go back to 5W40? I'm not sure if it has anything to do with the sensor next to the filter or not either...

Any help is appreciated, I don't want to have to take it all the way to the dealership 4 hours away...
Think I remember some other fud that wanted info and thought,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,fook me I jist drained that excess oil off.

It wiz a little HIGH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,who the fook put the oil in wiz it YOU.

Alright GUY.

Yer ****** yer machine ya ******.

BTW, Lent ended tonight.
Great intro,..........:no

You could try an oil/filter change.(Use the correct grade oil as printed in the handbook)
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