Oberon clutch slave cylinder and other stories

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May 4, 2011
Souf London
My T's clutch fluid has been dropping to worryingly low levels over the last couple of weeks. Living in the big smoke, I mostly take the bike out on weekends for a couple of hours at the most....because by the time I get anywhere I can open her up, I am cream crackered and ready to head back. So I put the disappearing clutch fluid down to the evaporation over the recent exceptionally hot weather or any other excuse to avoid investigating the issue. The heavy clutch on the T doesn't make for a pleasant ride in London either - does anyone else use the tank as a gym bench to stretch their left wrist muscles at traffic lights!? But I am not complaining, for all its sins, the bike still makes me smile! I digress, a few internet searches later, this and other wonderful Aprilia forums school me on how the clutch slave cylinder on the T is notorious for leaking. A closer inspection of my bike confirms this. A few more internet searches suggest replacing the original slave cylinder cures this ailment....and reduces clutch stiffness. Shag two girls with one rubber, (figuratively speaking) me thinks! Step forward the recommended Oberon clutch cylinder (ordered in blingly red), received it yesterday, popped it on this morning, took the bike out for a ride and just got back in. Any improvement on the clutch stiffness I hear you ask? I was asking myself the same question throughout the test ride. I honestly cannot tell the difference, I reckon I am going to need a side by side comparison to to decide this one. But for me not to notice any significant improvement isnt a good sign, especially when the thingy costs a hundred spuid compared to just forty for the original part, or just a few squid for the replacement seals alone. The moral of the story - all that glitters isn't gold! If you are ever faced with the same dilemma, advise from this tight fisted biker is to save yourself a few squid and go for one of the cheaper options.
The end. :thumbup
Haha nice tale there. Can't say I agree with ya tho ! The Oberon is a better unit. When I put mine on I gotta admit I didn't notice it being much lighter, but over a days riding my wrist don't ache like it used to with the OEM clutch. I think it possibly takes a little while for the seal to bed in ?

Oh and £100 quid ! ouch, I gave £70 for mine from Griff at the beginning of the year :T

So my advice to anyone with a leaking clutch slave cylinder, bin the old unit and go with Oberon :thumbup
Huvnae got an Obi wan oan ma T but have on the Caponord (pretty much the same base V twin engine etc as a Gen1 T). an its a definite improvement ower the original, nae a lot but enough tae notice
Thats good to ken Rico min as mine is still eating fluid. Think I will go for the seal kit though gonna get a gel seat to help my auld body
leaking fluids....gel seats.....auld bodies....ah see yer link there J min
Zambi get yersel a tennis baw and try tae squeeze the life oot it wae yer left hand as offten as yer can, in nae time ye'll no even notice the heavy clutch.
I dont get it when people say the T's clutch is heavy , i dont think it is , no heavier that my GSXR etc etc . as Aldo said .... squeeze a ball or build up your muscles in a self pleasing kind of way :lol
I dont get it eather , wen my bike is running its one of the litest cluches I have ever had on eney bike I have ound . it must be down to me eaten my greens and doing a manyule job:beer2
Stylefree naw yer mair like Me jist a Fud. He he ya fanny
Shorty levers make the clutch feel heavy.
I've recently gone back to the longer type after suffering from cramp in me hands after a ride.(Yes my muscles are puny!)
The Oberon slave does make a difference but its not as dramatic as when I fitted an STM slave to my Ducati.
In fairness, Iam based in London, so hardly ever go over 40 and stopping every 30 seconds, probably why i notice the clutch more.Maybe I should eat more greens and **** more! Lol managed to speak to someone about the oberon cyclinder - apparently they work better on the gen 1 and factory models because they have radial brake cylinders, to which I nodded and pretended to know what he was talking about.
weel that soonds like a crock o *****.....whit the fek has a brake cylinder got tae dae wi yer clutch....fek all is the answer.....

......Z min...go ooot an kick that fud in the nads!
In fairness, Iam based in London, so hardly ever go over 40 and stopping every 30 seconds, probably why i notice the clutch more.Maybe I should eat more greens and **** more! Lol managed to speak to someone about the oberon cyclinder - apparently they work better on the gen 1 and factory models because they have radial brake cylinders, to which I nodded and pretended to know what he was talking about.
Woch out you dont go blind with all that abuse to your self , and carful you dont go and snap your cluch cabule off .

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