O3 Screen removal Any tips ?

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Jun 17, 2008
Durham United Kingdom
Guys I have a nice dark screen to go on my 03 mille, thing is the current fasteners are those push on thingy wotsits. I did take one off and thought sod that for a game of soldiers.

I had a look in Newcastle today and the only fittings they had were those cheapo crap alloy types. What did you use ???

Cheers Eeza :eatcorn:eatcorn:eatcorn
on my 03,its normal allen bolts that go into black rubbery threaded thing on the inside mate,just use old bolts with new screen unless yours has sumat different fitted?!
them rubber things with threads in are fooked after they have been used once. when you screw them in the threads make the rubber expand to grip the screen. when you unscrew them they are expanded therefore fooked need new ones £9.99 for oxford universal screen bolts .you can get oxford titainium bolts for about £15.00:thumbup
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On mine it looks like they are the OE pins that hold the screen in, I have a busa and I tried one of the spare push pins and they seem to fit ok so maybe thats the way ? £1.00 each so not too bad...
dude i have the same as yours and the only way unfortunatly is to put the time in with that flat blade screw driver!

If you do fancy getting new ones while ya there mate, then click on the link below


Item Name:
aprilia screen fixing kit
Item #:
£5.86 inc VAT
£4.99 ex VAT
if yer careful you can remove the oe fasteners and re use them, looks much better than big long rubber posts on the inside.
its true mate ive used my screen fixings and belly pan fixings again actually once i get the panels back it will be the 3rd time ive re-used them
CK, the rubber posts contract to about 4mm as you tighten the screw. I used very small m4 or m5 stainless nylock nuts on mine instead of the rubber posts. Gives a very neat looking finish
How do you install the washers onto the pins without getting them bent and crooked? Do you put a small socket over it and push?
Pan Head Bolt of ya choice..2 nylon washers..1 S/S small washer..1 nylock nut...tubing or heatshrink. :thumbup
oh..before fitting these..pair of sidecutters to part the stockerz...they are useless dang fangled things
Having recently done mine (I used the existing fasteners), a definate tip is remove the whole nose fairing before starting and save yourself a whole lot of time and frustration. Those bastarding holes down the bottom are not designed for fingers to fit!

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