Non Start

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Jun 2, 2015
Hi All,
I own a 2014 v4 Tuono with 6500 trouble free ish miles, on Saturday went out for an early morning blast pulled into a petrol station and had the dreaded non start. Ignition on, bike struggled to turn over and wouldn't bump start, resigned myself to calling out a mate to pick me and the bike up, when he got there 20 mins later tried the bike again and fired up instantly and ran as expected. Called local dealer Motocorsa and they advised me to check battery(which is removed every winter and left on Optimate and plugged into to Solar charger in summer), have done that reading 14.3 volts running and pretty much the same ignition off. Not sure what else to check with my limited skill and knowledge, off to France/ Spain in a few weeks and could have done without this. Have read all the hot start threads but would like to diagnose properly instead of guessing at the cause.
Apart from taking out European breakdown cover any thoughts?
read my thread on euro breakdown and recovery !!!!

200 odd miles a day in very hot temperatures will make your alternator overheat and break down , make sure all electrical connections are good and check with multi meter that your stator is good and the rec/regulator is working ok .

the heat build up in the stator mixed with stinking hot oil is enough to litteraly boil water on the alternator cover , I know this ive been there .
Have you looked into upgrading the battery cables to heavy duty ones? My 2011 Tuono V4 was very lazy to start and sometimes wouldnt on hot days when the bike was very hot, fitted some heavy duty battery cables and it sorted it, completely differebt bike starting wise compared to what it was , never had a problem after that, there is a thread on here somewhere about hot start issues, look it up and you should find details of the guy that can supply them, either that or make up some yourself, hope this helps :bigsmile
Thanks for the pointers Gents.

Have take the bike over to France/ Spain on three occasions in hot weather and never had a start up problem. Pisses me off after only 6k that this starts to happen, cant be doing with any dramas over there.
What sort of a job is it to replace cables everything looks pretty tight and tucked away, has the tank got to be removed?
If i remember correctly yes the tank has to come off which isn't a big job or too difficult, all the wires are a bit tight and fiddly but im sure i had them all fitted in about 2 hrs, well worth the effort for the results, i left the origional ones in place and ran the new ones along side them
Thankyou all for the advice, cables ordered from Aprilia Performance will attempt to fit next week when they pitch up.
Upgraded cables arrived today from Aprilia Performance, planning to fit them on Saturday. When I remove the fuel tank do I have to drain the fuel or is there a shut of valve fitted in the tank, not sure what the set up is?
if i recall correctly there’s 2 push fit fuel pipes and an electrical plug, no fuel shut off as it’s an electric pump in the tank, you will lose a little fuel, ie just what’s in the pipe work, best of luck, i’m sure you’ll handle it up
I’ve had no start problem with my 2012 TuonoV4,
Had to jump start twice in one night this week! (Dread stopping for fuel!)
Replacing batt asap, considering starter cable upgrade detailed other thread() here.
Question: has anyone here tried one of these portable emergency mini starter packs?
Seems like a good idea! Tired of saying to strangers at the pump : “hey bud! Ya got any jumper cables on ya?
The one time my bike suffered from the non start it hacked me right off, after years of Japanese perfection I didn't expect this at 6k on my Italian steed plus its started to leak coolant from those crappy hose clips arrrggggghhhhhhhh, I wont tolerate poor reliability hopefully it wont happen again.
Replaced the battery and upgraded the cables and it hasn't let me down since, but then I never got the opportunity to diagnose the cause in the first place so fingers crossed all fixed
The jump start pack is ok but you need to fix the problem rather than have a work round, its not exactly cheap.
Covered 1200 miles in France bike was great apart from coolant drips and cant wait to go again next year....

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