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Hello! I've recently joined the site whilst on the search for an RSV. Now I've found the right one...... on here!:thumbup

I've bought TTrouble's 2003 silver/grey RSV and have the 500 mile round trip to pick it up on Sunday - can't wait!:doug

I'll be a regular visitor on here from now on I think.

Here's to a happy future between me, my new bike and this site!!!:biggrin

Welcome to the madhouse Jason,a whole new world of modding and getting your hands dirty awaits. :thumbup
I saw the bike yesterday when picking up trailor you will not be disappointed :thumbup
Welcome to the Zone!
Welcome to the forum mate, good buy that bike. :thumbup

The engine and body work should be like new really as it spent most of its life being polished in the garage. :devious

Only kidding TTrouble. :nana

You see what you've done by joining the madhouse? :doug
Welcome to the forum mate, good buy that bike. :thumbup

The engine and body work should be like new really as it spent most of its life being polished in the garage. :devious

Only kidding TTrouble. :nana

Strange you should say that it was being polished when I turned up yesterday :biggrin
You had best book Monday off work fella as those silver ones are a bit slow and you will need the extra day to get home :biggrin

welcome to the zone :thumbup