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Oct 20, 2008
Aberdeen, Scotland
Gidday All...

Just new to the site, and new to sunny Aberdeen, Scotland.

A local aussie lad trying to make good...hahaha!!!!

Some good threads and some valuable info / ideas....

Welcome to the site, I hope you stay a while, what brought you to Scotland.........Oil :O

bet the weather is a shock to the system
Welcome aboard nothin but oil up there, now living in FNQ Aust but lived in Edinburugh 13 years ago **** it was cold and misserable.. but i had a great time in the pubs etc for 6 mths ..... best wishes Towie
Towie, Chunkylad and Johnny,

Cheers for the welcome notes!

Yes could have found a warmer place to work, and to ride, but we all need to get responsible every now and then.

Johnny the oil industry did bring me to Scotland in a roundabout way....I fix the helicopters that all the guys travel out to the rigs on. Will be up this way for at least the next few years....after that who knows! Maybe back to Oz Towie...but would probably base back in Melbourne, and work on the NW Coast....Karatha, Broome....?????? At moment just about all settled here....just going through the process of changing my bike from Italy to UK plates....all pretty straight forward...a nice change after the last 3 years in Italy and Greece.

There's some decent riding up this way...and the West Coast is just awesome. I would highly recommend the Gairloch road from Kyle of Lockalsh up to Ullapool. Cant wait to do it again when its not pissing down!!

welcome aboard ABZ,but you are probably asking to much for the rain to stop for long up there!
Rain & cold temps thats all you get up there....... Im a Melb boy but move Nth 2 years ago..... dont bother with Broome its too humid to ride over there.... Best of luck with the new job a mate of mine is one of the bosses in Darwin for the defence force helicopter maintanance... cheers big ears

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