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why rsv?

hello folks. plannin on buying a sports bike very soon and really like the looks of the RSV. i like the idea of the aprilia over jap bikes. i've got about £2500 to spend so it'll be old. any buying tips? whats the REAL difference between the rsv and the rsv-r? i'm sure a few folk wonder but are scared to ask!!
convince me! cheers
hi everybody, my name is Matteo and i'm from Rome, Italy, i've just owned a new rsv1000r and i'm totally IN LOVE with it :inlove

this week i'll check it on the track, but i'm sure i'll be impressed
ciao v60 lover,Aprilia il moto migliore I think thats right anyway welcome
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just bought an '03 rsv in silver. what a noise! awesome. you can keep your four cylinder japanese nonsense! you can see aprilia put their heart and soul into this. roll on sunny days!!
just bought an '03 rsv in silver. what a noise! awesome. you can keep your four cylinder japanese nonsense! you can see aprilia put their heart and soul into this. roll on sunny days!!

welcome 77ons to the nuthouse:lol
New in town.
After 17 years with motorcycles, I finnaly get a RSV Mille (2002).
Had a few bikes in the last years, but the Ape is indeed the bike that gives me more thrill. There is passion and soul where the other bikes had.....something else.
Last bike were Honda XRV750 ; XL1000; Bmw K1200S.
Bought the Ape from a friend with only 5.000 miles, and I've only done 2.500 in last couple of months....So good.
Welsome! You are right Zappalia, there is something special about these bikes!
lucky git!! can only dream of biking weather. here in scotland its snowing at the minute so roads are covered in salt and other nasties. think of me tucked in the garage cuddling my mille when your out enjoying yourselves!:thumbup
Red pipes

Yup they are red cans. 100% the stock cans, but modified a bit. I cored them out and then got a weird idea to get them powder coated candy red. To put the finishing touches on them I got some exhaust decals that match the normal Aprilia Racing etching.


Show them off!!! Mate.

hozit boys ,heard ya talking about all the mods.I've just got a 06 fact. also a repairable write off. When I'm back up to speed I will also be keen to do some mods.Just thought I say Giday.steve
maybe I should just srtart with coring the cans.Dose it make em to loud. Just got pulled up by the boys in blue 80ks over into a corner. dark night, double demerrit points and I was being a good boy, a few bends from home, they only got me from the front and pulled me over 5 mins later, I said who me you must have the wrong guy.though they said they would send me the bill.That was 5 weeks ago .I've been sweating as I need my liecence.Have to be sensible I jus luv my rsv
Welcome all of you!! Enjoy the site ! :) :cheers
Hey steve your points system in OZ how many do you get before you lose you're licence in the UK its 12
In the land of oz its also 12 but in victoria 3ks over and your done :angry the
cops arnt too bad its the bloody cameras you have to watch out for .
top site guys by the way
hi everybody

i am new here, i'm from lille in france
i have a rsv 1000 for 2 weeks....
Hi Silvain and welcome to the forum :thumbup I think your our second member from the land of onions and garlick :thumbup and entrecote steak frites :inlove
hi sharky sorry about the late reply , just getting use to the site and I hate computers ,so I,m getting lost. Just starting to find my way around . In aus its also 12 points. They can disapear faaassstttt. Hey

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