new fangled combination lock carabiner helmet lock

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Oct 13, 2012
the wasteland east anglia
As the title states !!

ive been looking at these oxford brand 4 digit combination lock carrabiner things , to use as a helmet lock etc .

anybody got one / use one , are they any good / secure ????

just bought a 2017 67 plate bmw s1000 r and as its got all the options including an alarm unit , making the previously scant under seat storage

non existant !! as the alarm unit and gubbins fills this space .

ive bought a single seat cowl to at least add a little stash space , but space is still tight , so small is the way to go .

the bmw forum does not seem to be very popular and possibly not used by " hands on " members .

answers on a plain piece of card please or mebbe just a reply on here . cheers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi hi,,,,,,,,,hope yer enjoyin yer new machine as fir the lockin thingy av nae idea.

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