new Caponord rally owner

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Oct 26, 2016
went out for a test ride and signed on the dotted line on my return. The ADD suspension is amazing the one thing I couldn't live with on my Honda Crossrunner was the rubbish forks and shock which spoiled the ride, anyway the CR went in PX.

Plenty of room for the wife and I too. Pick the bike up next wednesday. The only extra I've ordered so far is the 52 Litre matching Top Box and fixing kit.

I'm guessing that the centre stand and possibly a taller screen may be on my shopping list before long.

Perhaps my only worry at this time ( always a little worried after spending lots of money) is are Aprilia making the rally Euro4 legal or is it going to be a very short production run and even more difficult to get spares in the future?
OK.... No response?
not even a welcome aboard??

I've picked up the bike on Tuesday and posted some pictures today. I have the top box on order and also ordered the centre stand as it was only £103 :D

Both to be fitted at first service.

Well it just seems so much more grown up than the crossrunner. The slower steering from the 19" front wheel is taking a bit of getting used to but, WOW loving everything about it. The electrical adjustment buttons aren't really very intuitive but once learned and once set I'll probably leave them alone.

Up to London tomorrow morning so it will be an experience threading it through the traffic is is so much bigger and wider than my old Honda.

Taking it quite easy , as I'll have the wife as a pillion.
Hi Heinz,

I will say welcome, but also very recent convert to the Capo.

This forum seems very quite.

picked mine up two weeks ago and loving it, most unliked thing right now is the fuel gauge seems to drop from all bars to one bar in 50 miles then one bar for 150 miles! Fuel light however came on for first time today at 190 miles on a tank so that pretty good in my book.

Seconf and possibly only other thing so far is the ***** lights, I have already got some brighter halogens (120%) but high beam is terrible, I will certainly investigate LED conversion and make all lights stay on when high beam is selected

other mods but maybe after Xmas could be

1 a top box rather than the less than slim side boxes (I do a lot of lane splitting and between cars on my daily commute

2 possibly a gear ratio change the top gear isnt right and possbly wants a longer range

3 Slip on exhaust as the stock one sounds and looks naff

Still plenty of time


Welcome at last.......

G'day Heinz.......from Australia.....

Sorry no one responded quickly.......this is the old 2013 forum and some only drop from in from time to time......all the action (and the ********..;).....) is over on the AF1 sponsored 2014-2016 forum........and there's HEAPS OF PHOTO's too....:cool:

Anyway, glad you like your Rally. By the way, did you know the Rally has the same steering specs as the Travel Pack? It just has leading (front) axle and a curved radiator to fit the 19" wheel - has same seat height, ground clearance etc etc and of course the narrower rear rim with a skinny dirt profile tyre.

That slower steering you are feeling could be just down to the 170/60 rear profile (I have a TP so I'm just guessing....), and if you don't do much dirty riding, you might find a 180/55 or a 180/60 could make it nicer on the bitumen.......

That cruise control button will become a chore to set unless you stick one of those kitchen cupboard bump stoppers on - there is a thread on the 14-16 model forum.

Belated Welcome.......and have fun on your Rally!;)

Ps you may notice a speedo error.....not sure about the Rally, but my TP had 8% error with it's oem tyres......worth checking by sat nav just to ensure you don't get tail-ended by a self righteous car driver......:eek:
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:DHey Johnoo, keep in mind the standard exhaust has that "power valve" incorporated, and the swivel joint, so if you go down that path you might need the Healtech ESE (exhaust servo eliminator)......but I have no experience with this as mine is still standard, so hop over to the 2014-2016 battle ground and find some punters who have done this...Cheers

Nearly forgot.......most US owners seem to prefer a 17/44 or 17/45 sprocket combo, as the gearing is wrong in that 1st is way to high for slow traffic scenario's. I woudn't worry about 6th as the motor absolutely loves to burble along at 4500rpm or more and mine still gives 18-19km/ltr on open highway running. Your fuel gauge has been affected by ethanol fuel and the float has deformed. Aprilia is offering a revised version that is supposed to be better but I recommend you guys stay away from ethanol fuels as you also have a plastic fuel tank. The only thing I add to my 95RON non ethanol fuel is a bit of Valvoline injector cleaner and after 20 months and 34340kms (whats that? about 20,000miles?) my gauge works perfectly......note that it is not linear, due to the complex shape of the tank, but you simply ride until the LED warning light comes on, then the trip meter will automatically zero and count the kms/miles you are doing on reserve. I get around 400/420kms on 22Ltrs on a good open tour.......heaps less if I'm cranking the throttle in the mountains.

Cheers from AUS
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Hi guys

Yes I have also joined the other forum. I haven't been out in the dark yet but have read that higher powered bulbs can discolour the reflectors so be careful.

I think the front 19" wheel slows things down a bit in the steering stakes.

Riding where I live. The prospect of using the cruise control is remote at best.
The heated grips would be a more useful option.
Did you get yours from the dealer on the A41 near Aylesbury? Its where I bought mine.
Cheers Heinz57......(are you a 57 model like me?) yes, the heated grips are great and they are easy to fit......they have connectors ready and waiting behind the dash!

All you need do is remove the screen and under panel and the dash will lift out enough to give easy access.......:D
Hi Heinz - yes I got mine from On Yer Bike (or On Yer Wallet as I call them).

I have bought three new bikes from them - they arent that bad _ I got a stonkin deal almost £4000 off list just because it had been pre-registered, it was brand new with only 4 miles on the clock

exhaust valve on a couple of other bikes I have could be programmed out on the ECU - another thing I would probably investigate (possible after the warranty runs out) is a fuel remap
yes i'm a 59 baby.

4K off .... I thought I was doing great at 3.1K

are you both running the travel packs??
as far as I know its the rally modle with the Aprilia aluminium side boxes - so yes
G'day uk.......another stinking hot morning here in sun bleached Queensland Awstraya..:eek: Heading for another over 30degC top temp, humid and maybe a thunder storm....

I have the TP model that came with Shad-Aprilia cases, but I have fitted the Givi tube rack so I can run my old E41 Givi's (I like the access hatch).

I think the Rally "aluminium" cases are plastic but painted silver - maybe you can clear that up as I haven't seen a Rally for a while (and some bike mags have even reported that the engine belly guard is 'aluminium' when it is plastic.

Anyway, the Rally panniers are Givi Trekker's made for Aprilia by Givi and are the best in the business (c/w access hatch too;)).

If you want to go down the fuel re-map path, Gabro racing has done some dyno work and can re-flash an ECU - see other forum or go to www.gabro site.

I can advise truthfully that any new bike throttle jerking (and mine was as bad as everyone's when very new) really does subside noticeably as you approach your 6000mile service, and starts to fade from memory as you do more miles My throttle was fully tamed at 9000miles (Aus 15,000kms) and I've never bothered to add any plug-in devices.....but the Gabro re-flash would be 'perfection' :D

Best mod to do right away is lower the stupidly tall gearing (either 16/42 or 17/45 is popular and does not require a new chain), and don't be too gentle on that throttle as the motor will take around 9k miles to truly loosen up and bed in fully - that's when my engine oil finally started to not go dark black within 1000miles of a change (I change my oil and filter at half interval ie book says 6000miles/10,000kms....I do one myself at 3000m/5000kms and I use Motul 5100 semi synthetic.....if you want to do this, note that you can preload the filter with new oil and still screw it on without spilling oil or having to undo anything to get to the filter.....I didn't believe it either, but it's true..:p.).

Cheers from the sauna down under!

Ps my servo valve motor probably failed because they just do.....but it wouldn't have been helped by the longer now has correct cables and new servo and is back to being a super strong accelerater:D
The Rally stayed in the garage today as a frosty 1C this morning. Just 200 miles since I picked it up.
The givi trekkers are aluminum faced. Not sure what.this means they certainly are.plastic on the inside.
Not too concerned about the long gearing. Will give a nice relaxed ride on the motorway. We'll see once its run in whether I need it to pick up any quicker from standstill.

Rain here tomorrow. You lucky blighters down under ��.
Hi heinz57, I used mine today - commute in all weathers heated grips are a godsend...

I have done 350mls so far so we seem to be about the same time to get first service - the manual I have mentions that full power will not be available until after the first service which to me infers that they clock the power back for the run in - any ideas anyone?
Hi heinz57, I used mine today - commute in all weathers heated grips are a godsend...

I have done 350mls so far so we seem to be about the same time to get first service - the manual I have mentions that full power will not be available until after the first service which to me infers that they clock the power back for the run in - any ideas anyone?

Sorry to jump in but you have full power from new.....this was yet another long saga on the other forum.......the manual just looses a bit in translation from Italian to Englais.....

So all they are trying to say is ride smoothly for the first few precious miles then start to give it some welly, just like any other new bike.....

Don't be too kind to the engine - so long as you are not abusing it, it will need you to give it some stick to help grind it into proper shape.....and remember, it will take more than 6kmiles to settle in fully - longer if you are too easy on it.....;)

When I had done my first 1000km/600miles, I noticed the oil sight glass was almost empty......this is normal (and there is still 3Ltrs of oil in the motor).

I suggest you ask for semi-synthetic oil at this service and then change it yourself at 5000kms/3000miles, with a new filter and only 3.4Ltrs of oil - this will show as at the max mark on the sight glass = correct). If you do this, when draining the oil out put Capo on the side stand to get the last 150cc out. I also recently found out that the oil filter should be primed with 100cc(=full) of oil, then screwed on (the oil doesn't drain out.....true!) and of course only 3.3Ltrs goes into the refill hole - and change that poxy plastic filler cap ASAP before it splits and leaks......I bought a $25 alloy one for a Suzuki rather than pay $170 for the Aprilia accessory. (should mention the only reliable way to check oil levels is AFTER a long ride while motor is hot and on the centre stand on the same level spot in your garage......I know, I've been fooled by my Caponord......cold level checks are about 200cc lower than the 5min hot standing procedure listed in the's true, really it idea's Italian is my best guess....)

Sorry to blah blah on ......there's a bit to get used to, but once you know, it's all very straight forward.


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