new bike gripes

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Jun 19, 2011
hi guys im new to the forum and have just bought an 04 factory.ive had an o2 plate mille and a tl1000r so im not new to vtwins.on the whole im loving the bike but got a couple of gripes that someone might be able to shed some light on for me ! first theres a real step in vibration at about 7000 rpm which isnt horrendous but does make u want to change up before u hit it.second the bars are vibrating badly enough to make your fingers numb after a short time and thirdly i keep hitting a false neutral between 4th and 5th gear ! the bikes done 12k and has a free flow air filter,pc3 and pipes and is putting out 126 on the dyno.Am i being over sensitive or are these common traits with this bike
Welcome to the forum.

I dont have problems with my '02, that's as much help as i ca offer! sorry. Hope you get it sorted. ;)
Hi Nick, welcome to the Zone. Sounds like you need to get some decent or bigger bar end weights, or stuff some lead strips down the bars, something I've done quite a few time with good results
The post 04 bikes generally are less vibey than the earlier models. If yours has a bad vibration something is not right as it shouldn't be there. First thing i would do is check the engine mountings are tight.
Another thing to check is the chain condition, make sure its adjusted properly, and doesnt have any tight spots, something so simple can cause what your experiencing.

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