New 06 Tuono owner with three questions

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Feb 6, 2012
Newbie Tuono owner here.

I've had many bikes before and currently own a Buell X1 (which I am keeping). The Tuono seems like a fun bike to own and ride, reliable and can be toured if required.

I purchased a one owner 2006 Tuono (red), with Akropovic slip-ons, aftermarket air cleaner, utilising map 2, battery charger, smaller front sprocket, sheepskin seat cover and other bits and pieces . The previous owner also told me that it had the larger oil filter housing cover and larger filter upgrade was done at a scheduled service. The bike's in amazing condition and travelled only 9,000kms in six years. Original pipes etc included in sale and they've never been on the bike.

I've already downloaded the manual.

First things on the list to do are checking the oil, coolant and chain tension.

Initial inspection of chain revealed it's really dry and in need of adjustment as it has 40mm slack (manual states 25mm), but I still need to find the tight point of the chain. I'm suspecting the previous owner might not have oiled the chain enough.

I have a few basic questions which should be pretty easy to answer.

Question 1
The vertical part of the exhaust which is right next to the rear shock has a join and there's a loop on each part that looks like it should be held together by an exhaust spring similar to other ones on the exhaust joins. Is this the case? I have some unused springs from the original exhaust system so it would be an easy fix.

Question 2
Being tall (6ft2') I'm after a bit more leg room, my knees only just fit properly into the tank when wearing jeans but not in leathers with knee protection inserts. There's plenty of posts discussing options but I'm particular interested in either:

- An additional mounting plate that can be fitted between the standard peg mounts and the frame. I've seen in one thread that a member made his own adjustable plates that moved the OEM peg mount brackets back, down and out which would seem to help with exhaust clearance. Does anyone know any more about these member built brackets?

- In searching options I think I also came across an adjustable plate on an Italian website for the 1st generation Tuonos up to 05 but nothing for the 06-10. Are there any such plates that suit the 06 Tuono?

- The German built three piece adjustable pegs and any feedback on them from people that either have the 22mm or 30mm ones and whether they're any good or if the left exhaust limits their adjustability?

I'm only really considering these options as opposed to adjustable rear sets or the non adjustable "˜Knight Design' 1 inch lower pegs at this stage. What do people reckon works best? My Buell pegs are not interchangeable with the Tuono's and like the idea of adjustable plates/pegs for differing riding circumstances.

Question 3
The previous owner mentioned that there had been some slight misting of the dash unit, but this occurred occasionally post the warranty period and had not affected the operation of the dash. Searching this site reveals that this is not uncommon. I live inland where it's not too humid and the bike will be kept under cover so I'm thinking the misting won't be a real issue so it worth doing anything about it?

welcome to the nut house.
Q1. Yes
Q2, being a short arsed git, don't know
Q3. In the sun it most probably will mist up from the bottom right corner. Many threads on this, some are able to fix it, other like me, live with it, and try not to park it so the sun is directly shining on it
^^Just to add to what GF said.^^
1.Yes there should be a spring there.
2.I have no experience of footrest lowering kits,but I have heard of folks complaining that their boots were touching the exhausts.I'm 6ft 1in and dont find the standard peg position a problem,tbh.
3.Ah the misting dash problem,....I think yer gonna have to 'suck it and see' on that issue.Early Gen2 bikes seem more effected than '08 onward bikes.Mines a 2010 and I've never had a problem,despite being soaked several times.
The 'cure' involves taking the clocks apart and drilling vent holes,re-sealing,etc.Personally,I'd leave it alone untill it becomes a problem.
Welcome to the site btw.:thumbup
A sheepskin seat cover....!!!????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NooOooOOooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! :lol
Thanks guys

Spring installed.

Foot pegs - I'll wait and see how it feels after doing a 1,200km or so km return trip that's planned in a few weeks time - SBK at Phillip Island.

Dash -I'll definitely leave that alone!

in addtion to the sheepskin seat cover it also came with a cruise control set up! Both have now been removed. Luckily it still has the small standard windscreen and not a big aftermarket one.
Are you sure its just a sheep skin cover.

It could be an actual sheep you are riding whos eyes are misting up.

I assume it is a popular pass-time is Oz, velcro gloves are top of every mans chrimbo list.

I once heard about some one who was having a piss & a pig reversed onto him.

Sorry T, forgot to say, welcome.
in addtion to the sheepskin* seat cover it also came with a cruise control set up! Both have now been removed. Luckily it still has the small standard windscreen and not a big** aftermarket one.

mate... you are now a PROPER Tuonist!


BTW, have a look on AF1..they do do a lowering kit for 2nd Gen Tuonos..

* ghey
** totally ghey

Hi welcome Aussie T cant help with your questions but i also have a Buell X1 which is also a keeper and is the 3rd buell i`ve owned, are you a member of ukbeg..??
6'5" here and I get attuned to the rearsets after going for longer and longer rides in the spring. Usually have one loooong ass ride in June or July, but by then me knees are used to a little folding. Ride the pish oot o' her and she'll reward you even more than the you will expect. Have fun. Looking forward to tales of excess speed and puerile tomfoolery!

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