My new one-piece suit and I.. pics !

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I think my leathers are way sexier though.. got to leave something for the imagination :D ;)
i think its was hard work trying to get jeans off, is there any sexy way of yanking leathers off?:confused
I think my leathers are way sexier though.. got to leave something for the imagination :D ;)

Very true Pumpkin :devious

There really nice leathers you got, my wife had a set of Dainese to, she loved them !!!



My wife had the same problem, she couldnt' get leathers to fit her right too

I suggested these in the end,




Nice for the summer :devious Very nice fitting P'kin and the best colour too, that black mille keeps popping up.... sweet :thumbup
oh my god:bitchslap :yumyum :eek:
them leathers look mighty fine and fit like they are painted on oooooooooow
good choice:drool
P'kin , how come your bf's still running the standard can on his bike :eatcorn That thing is truly humungous ...and weighs a ton :eek: A nice race can will do nicely :eatcorn
Well done Pumpkin!!:thumbup It looks like, in the last pic (garage) that the "piping" is reflective. If it isn't just the camera that would be way cool!:biggrin:biggrin
P'kin , how come your bf's still running the standard can on his bike :eatcorn That thing is truly humungous ...and weighs a ton :eek: A nice race can will do nicely :eatcorn

Where do you see my bf or his bike..? :confused
I don't even have a pic of his RSV where you see he also has the standard can on :O :laugh
So I'm guessing you mean me & my RSV, lol..
Yep, still standard. If I could afford it, I'd love some dual Akra's or something sweet and rare, but for the moment all my dough went into the suit + upcoming trackdays, so it has to wait :)
few track days ect are worth more than a can anyday. Also a days worth of training is worth more than £1000s spent on the bike for a pure speed point of view (deepending on how already talented you are of course!).
No idea about the talent, should find that out pretty soon now I've got a very decent bike :devious :laugh

I'm really looking forward to those private track lessons one of the headinstructors (who's also a bikedealer) promised me after I became good friends with him at the bikeshow :banana :)