My bike has been drop from side stand :-( bar end broken

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Oct 1, 2012
Hi folks!!! I have 2 bikes 1 rsv occasional use and and cb400 superfour daily use.

Now I not too keen to ride my RSV in London but this morning I looked at the weather and thought let's take it out (bad move!!!)

My RSV1000r 2002 was immaculate this morning now someone reversed into it and drop it from side stand. Not only that!!! because it was drop from the motorcycle bay and dropped into a car space a lovely London traffic warden decided to give me a ticket that he stacked on my bike lean on the floor. I've looked for him all morning and possibly pull a :wheeliewheelie into his face as sooner he crossed the road :angry (then file my very first insurance claim) but likely I could not find him.

Anyway other then some scratched sticker a broken indicator that need to be replaced I have found one bar end has snapped. From what I can see it has snapped the right where the hole it is.... this is the part AP8121262 right where the hole it is.
I have been trying for the last hour to remove it!!!! But it's not coming out.

Can a good soul please tell me how to remove it? I took the rest of the day off as I'm depressed today and can't focus on work!!!!
I need my baby back to her glory by the end of the months as I'm taking her fro a track day.

Thank you all

I'm more upset of the ticket then I am of the bike!!! because accident can happen (even if the owner of the car did not leave any contact) but that ticket it's stupid no sense done by an idiot!!!!! please hope me I never find that piece of .....
What a bad day. :( Hope you get it fixed soon.

Have you tried appealing the ticket? You have a good chance of winning, especially if you took photos.
What a bad day. :( Hope you get it fixed soon.

Have you tried appealing the ticket? You have a good chance of winning, especially if you took photos.

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