Sounds like the ebay one in this thread... that Pist'nbroke saw in May
its a 190 50 17 i have only had the bike 2 weeks and i am not sure i have made the best decition ive always wanted an rsv but was thinking about a gixer so now im thinking because the tyre issue i think im feeling let down by the rsv but i want to enjoy the bike and not need to worry im going to get a blowout at high speed thats the problem i need to be confident with the bike to get the most out of it
i got a red one last week insurance said it was rsv1000r but just think its a rsv 1000
Have you checked the country code label on the subframe under the seat yet? Does it say 'JJ'?
Have you checked the country code label on the subframe under the seat yet? Does it say 'JJ'?
i looked under the pillion seat will have a look later the nite is it worth more if its a jap one more bhp lol i wish lol
No £ or bhp. Just a bit unusual (1 of 50)
If you stand on the left hand side of the bike and remove the rider seat it's visible on the upper part of the frame about 7-8 cm to the left of the seat bolt (i.e. it's above the left hand side panel). It could have come off at some point. It's just a sticker.
Sorry mate I don't have a spare race-type can but it's worth asking because they do change hands on here all the time.
Good that it's a JJ and good that you found a potential problem.
Special indeed! lol