dear mr moderator.
would you just let me post god damn images!
Ollie c
im doing it a slightly different way but now it seems to work.....
hmm weired thanks guys!
Ollie c
p.s. how do i get it set for a new set of exhuasts?
bloody hell mate keep them race cans :biggrin:biggrin:biggrin:biggrin:biggrin:biggrin
haha y? are they real good or something (sorry my aprilia zorst knowledge is about as big as the book of italian war hero's)
get 2 of these and rivet them on .bet they make a proper noise eh?:thumbup
Yeah they are crazy loud, living next to a retirement home i did get some funny looks and comments from old people... i may have to put a notice up for them to put there hearing aids to the T position
Any idea hom much they cost new?
Thanks again Ollie c