map 2

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For those of us who don't know, I for one would have no objection to Griff naming his dealership on here as it sounds like the sort of place I'd like to take mine. Any one object?
Its just the first service says that they need it. but dealer says no need and will stamp as he has done it. ok £45 dont sound to bad. will try and get it at same time

What else are they going to say they've checked and just stamped the service book :jack

Walk away and find a dealer who will not take shortcuts on your pride and joy :thumbup
For those of us who don't know, I for one would have no objection to Griff naming his dealership on here as it sounds like the sort of place I'd like to take mine. Any one object?

Of course I don't mind. Infact I think its a good thing. End of the day its your choice if you take it there or not.
In griff you have a man technically "on the inside". Whilst i'm sure there are circumstances when he couldn't give the answer he might like too it's still invaluable all the same.

As Griff has said Aprilia have had a pretty bad press in recent years and a lot of it is down to frankly wanky dealers that couldn't give a rats.
Look on ebay and see your bike is worth squat.
That's what bad dealers and bad press does for the brand so say thankyou to all of those wanky dealers for losing you thousands and then go somewhere who believes in the product and does the best by you.

Not doing your valve check however well intentioned is a bit like your doctor saying you don't need a malaria jab in the jungle. You might not get malaria but if you do who's gonna suffer. YOU

Your book may get stamped but do you think Aprilia won't know what a snapped valve from incorrect adjustment looks like. Then will your Aprilia dealer stump up the £££'s for your new engine when the warranty is rejected. He might but best not to go there.

It's rant day. feels good doesn't it.:doug
I have taken all onboard. I was purely asking the question, dealer said can save me money, great me thinks, now not so sure. they are doing it now whilst i watch too. thanks for all the imput. I feel rather small now and wished i had not asked. never mind i will be a bit better with my wording in my next posts..
Rsvrider, ask away fella, it's what these forums are for

Spoonz is spot on and it will take us as owners of these bike to bring this up with dealers if they are selling you short on what you would expect from service. Don't believe all they tell you. You are the customer so insist that things are done correctly with explanation. It will improve your knowledge of the product and hopefully the dealers too.

Griff dude, how's things up in sunny Tamworth? :thumbup
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I have taken all onboard. I was purely asking the question, dealer said can save me money, great me thinks, now not so sure. they are doing it now whilst i watch too. thanks for all the imput. I feel rather small now and wished i had not asked. never mind i will be a bit better with my wording in my next posts..

Never be afraid to ask a question squire, there is certainly no need to feel small :thumbup many of us here ask all sorts of weird and wonderful questions, and at the end of the day the responses are aimed to support, inform and help..........together with a healthy dose of humour and rants when needed as it touches a nerve :biggrin

Good luck with getting the service you deserve, you'll never have better reason for good service when you are well informed before you arrive :thumbup

I just replied to your pm but nice to know we have some more members in Devon.

On that basis it narrows the field as to who your dealer might be. Good ones are few and far between in Devon. PGH in my experience being the exception mainly down to Lee who is a top man

Don't take any of the above posting personally. It's a raw nerve where dealerships are concerned as there are tales of woe aplenty.

You can join our annnual pilgremage to Griff in the spring as i'm sure myself and Garin will Van it up again or maybe even ride when the mot etc is due.

Do we still hold the longest travelled customer award Griff ?

I just replied to your pm but nice to know we have some more members in Devon.

On that basis it narrows the field as to who your dealer might be. Good ones are few and far between in Devon. PGH in my experience being the exception mainly down to Lee who is a top man

Don't take any of the above posting personally. It's a raw nerve where dealerships are concerned as there are tales of woe aplenty.

You can join our annnual pilgremage to Griff in the spring as i'm sure myself and Garin will Van it up again or maybe even ride when the mot etc is due.

Do we still hold the longest travelled customer award Griff ?

Thanks may take you up on that, will need the 6000mile on by then. doing around 1200 miles a month for a little while.
Crikey, i wish i could pilgrimage with you lot..i'd ride a thousand mile if i could have someone like Griff sort out my bikes tuning..i really am in the wrong country for Aprilia..and so friggin far away from anyone that remotely knows Aprilias..:(
sunny tamworth is fine mate thanks very much its very busy here still and workin on the Aprilia dealership thing still we were gassing about over that brew!
good to hear from you mate i hope all is well with you???

dude you do but i have been having a conversation with a chap from norway, so the record does still stand ! you and garin are indeed still the daddies!

please forgive me i didnt for one second mean to cause you to feel small in anyway, if your ever in the area i will be happy to make your good self a brew!

its good to see that there are other guys out there that believe in the same morals and principles as i do when it comes to our bikes, trust me sometimes it was very frustrating making people understand that this is way it needs to be done!!
There are some fantastic dealerships out there that bust a gut to promote the product and support the fiercely loyal customer base that this brand has, check Performance bikes this month, adam duckworth realises this and has written about it!

i apologise in advance for the horrid picture !

guys stay lucky!

the Aprilia importer in OZ used to employ a guy by the name of Dave ward, he is a very clever bloke whos very switched on to milles. Try givin them a call see if he is still around ??
tell him griff from the uk says hello and get in touch!
I think the importer is in Victoria Griff..i can try to find Dave Ward, however Victoria is 4000kms from my location. :( I am stuck with what is available here in Darwin really.
This guy up here has done the Power Commander training their dealer here, has all the link software etc...but has not had Aprilia experience, but does many of the other race bikes up the correct steps of tuning method you use before going to the dyno have been missed. eg idle gas settings and TB vac balance. I guess they are vital if i wanna remove that dip in torque??
Does the PC 111 Commander over ride all of this?? Have you used this DynoJet tuning link software? Thanks for your help sir.
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If your wire is clipped..then it would be on Map 2 if using the original EPROM
If using an aftermarket EPROM, then the clipped wire is irrelevant.

thanks for the quick answer,

I love this forum... so much knowledge
Thanks everyone

rsvrider - don't feel bad mate, you'd expect your dealer to be giving you bona fide advice wouldn't you?
OK. all done today, first service done inc valves. map 2 and air box mod done no charge. happy bear now.
thanks for all the help and advice.
Read most of this thread.
Got my 2002 less than a fortnight ago, clicked past 10k on my way home with her, has full service expcept one being due now!
How much should I pay for a full service, assuming it needs a valve clearance check about now?
If the full 9500k service hasn't already been done, then expect to pay around £300 to £350 for this including valve clearance check. The service interval on your bike is around every 4600 miles. The smaller 4600 service is around £150 at a dealer

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