LOADS of 02 RSVR Parts and accessories (Haga)...

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Aug 30, 2011
West Sussex
My bike was recently stolen. Was an 02 RSVR Haga rep (#30),
So all parts are as such...

was stockpiling these just incase, WONT BE NEEDING THEM NOW! :(

Feel free to message me for pictures or more details.
PM me if for my mobile!
if you text add your forum name as their is ALOT, to avoid confusion

Fairings and body work

Nose cone with std screen (excellent used)
Complete belly pan (can accomodate twin systems)
Tank (possibly brand new)
Carbon front mudguard (Chip on top one lug missing)
l/h side panel (no stickers, some light marks no scuff)
l/h side panel (light scuff all over)
l/h air duct panel with ps 2decals (brand new still wrapped!)
l/h inner air duct panel (brand new)
l/h carbon fibre front fin (scuffed)
l/h airduct panel (light scuff)
Rear seat hump (excellent)
r/h side panel (very light scuff not bad)
r/h side panel (no decals, good used)
r/h air duct panel (good)
r/h carbon fibre front fin (very good)
r/h & l/h carbon side panel infills x2 each (both pairs good condition, one pair with r&g drilled holes)
plastic rear mesh infills both excellent
r/h & l/h plastic side infills x2 sets all excellent
r/h radiator infill very good
plastic rear light surround (excellent)
rear seat unit/fairing (very good)
pillion seats x2 (excellent)
haga carbon exhaust hangers (excellent)
Carbon heel plates

Other parts, accessories etc
luggage racks/ grab rails (two kinds both very good)
R&G's bungs (used! low speed, fine for trackbike still)
Original brembo discs
Braided front hoses
Both radiators (will check they are fine)
Various ohlins forks spares
Ohlins front forks r/h excellent l/h straight but a dink in upper leg by dust seal, functional, no leak.
Haynes manual
Owners manual
Personal Number Plate S15 WSB (if there is no complications reclaiming it)

Other original bits
Number plate bracket
air grills
radiator hose
lower chain guard
eprom chip (58 in sbk chip box)

Make me an offer!!
PM me for my mobile number
If you want a quick reply or pictures its easier if you text!

I can't PM you as your inbox is full.

Sorry to hear about the theft, I hope the police catch the scum bags!

I'm interested in the ohlins fork spares, what spares do you have? Also I'm interested in the R&G bungs. I can't really make you an offer without knowing what spares I'm getting and seeing the damage to the bungs.

My mobile is: 07715548962


Hey mate,

So sorry for your loss :( i know they are very rare, actually never seen one my self.

Do you still have the legs for sale? what are you asking for those?

Hi guys, sorry started selling them on another forum as the ZONE was a bit quiet, and had so many responses on there forgt I even put them on here!
Will clear out my inbox and pm you both!!
Cheers red rat.
Yes luca mate, it was very quiet on here so I have been selling the bits on RSVR.NET as mentionsed. Still got a fair bit, what were you after?
Steve, Have you still got the left side air duct !!! (inner and outer)

If so can you give me a price please???
Hello mate,

Just joined the forum and was browsing and see your post. Sorry to hear about the theft of the Haga.

I just wondered if you still had the Haga exhaust hangers for sale?

Many thanks

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