Intermittent Limp Mode

Aprilia Forum

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Nov 1, 2009
Hey all. I have an 04 RSVR. I've had no problems with it that weren't obvious fixes until yesterday. I started it up, let it warm up. Then I went down the street and came to a stop sign. The bike stalled out, which happens from time to time shortly after starting it with the current tune on my power commander. I started it up but now the bike was in limp mode with the oil light on. No triangle or EFI warning. I turned the key off then back on and started her up and all was well again. I immediately took her home. My oil level was fine, and I checked the connection on the oil pressure sensor and it was clean and tight. I also tried to read any codes that may have popped up but there was nothing in the memory. I was able to replicate the problem as well - bike stalls at a stop and then goes into limp mode upon starting, but clears with key off/on. I just ordered a new oil pressure sensor and expect it later this week with my luck it won't fix the issue. Does any one have any other ideas that might help me out?
My bike did this when I first got it and it turned out to be the plug under the tail was fried. I've had it over a year and after some wire maintenance it did it again. After I shut it off and started it again, it was good. It did it 3 times so I hard wired the sensor at the plug and problem went away.
I had that same problem and fixed it the same way some time ago. This time I'm not getting the EFI and warning triangle as I was with the bad connector under the seat.

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