I seem to be using a lot of oil

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Jul 23, 2008
Guisborough, North Yorks
Hi Guys

I've only had the RSVR a month and I changed the oil as soon as i got the bike. Its a 2003 RSV R with 9000 miles on the clock

I followed the correct procedure and only checked the oil level when it was hot after a run

When I changed the oil the level was around 2/3 the way up the site tube

I did a hundred miles or so I noticed the level had dropped significantly to about a third so i topped it up, Y put this down to it settling after the oil change

I,ve done another 300 miles and checked again this morning and the level was way down on minimum and it has taken half a litre or more to top it up again

It isnt smoking or burning oil that I can see, the airbox is damp with oil vapour but not flooded and there are no obvious oil leaks

How much oil should these bikes use?
Is this normal?

Please advise


are you getting any smoke out of the exhaust indicating seals and burning oil
Hi Stuuk,

How much oil have you actually put in the bike since changing the oil?

(Needs to be pretty accurate)

Reason I ask is I am trying to determine if it is actually using the oil in the combustion process/leaking etc.... or if it is just normal usage.

Have read on a web site on my travels that a litre of oil per 1000 miles is acceptable. (To Aprilia maybe, not me)

PS. How many miles has she covered and does she have any running/starting issues (cold or hot)?
Its difficult to be accurate but I will start to monitor from now on.

I guess a litre every thousand miles is in the ballpark but i'm not happy if this is the case, after all if you have to put a litre in every thousand why bother changing the oil?

No running or starting problems, no signs of a smokey exhaust when cold or hot, no signs of any leakage anywhere.

When you changed the oil how much did it take?

Say you bought a 4 litre can then how much is left in it?
what oil did you put in ? 15w50 is recommended and the 50 is the important bit it means it has the viscosity of 50 grade oil at 100c, if its a lot thinner its going to use more, also i have noticed that the oil sight tube is not very accurate, mine is some times on minimum after run then next day its an inch higher after run! but i have heard because its a dry sump it'll still run fine even when theres a lot less oil than there should be :)
I used Putolene 15w50 apparently this is recommended by Aprilia UK

I'll keep a check on it after every run and see what happens
they do seem to use oil. But the oil level does move depending on how you check the level.

I use the run till hot and rev till 4k method

It seems quite accurate

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