Right everyone knows what bike I have but it seems to be totally standard. It has crash bungs on the top fairing but not lower down. So what have I spent on it so far. Not much to be honest except for a new exhaust which cost me I think about £150 quid from MTC which I can vouch for sounds bloody good and is excellent quality. if anyone needs a new exhaust give them a go. They'll do different lenghts etc.
Anyway back onto thread. New set of tyres being fitted tomorrow for £250 for Pilot Road 3's.
What else do I need. Well I want to get new
1. Tools so I can work on the bike including a torque wrench (I reckon about £150 as I want the Halfords tool set with lifetime guarantee)
2. Abba Stand (£100)
3. Service (end of summer but gonna try and do it myself)
4. Suspension set up at Griffs at some point so I can get it properly set up for myself. Griff if you're reading this how much please.
5. R&G bungs for the lower half of the bike etc (gonna need the torque wrench to put these on I'm thinking)
6. I want to get some protection film for the front forks to stop stone chips on them (not that expensive but all adds up. Ventureshield I had on the GSXR and thats really good stuff but more expensive than the stuff I was gonna buy)
7. Was thinking of getting some wider bars for the bike (just cos I fancy a wider grip)
I'm sure the list could go on further but just totalling up that lot its near enough £700. Jee whizz its an expensive hobby.
Anyway back onto thread. New set of tyres being fitted tomorrow for £250 for Pilot Road 3's.
What else do I need. Well I want to get new
1. Tools so I can work on the bike including a torque wrench (I reckon about £150 as I want the Halfords tool set with lifetime guarantee)
2. Abba Stand (£100)
3. Service (end of summer but gonna try and do it myself)
4. Suspension set up at Griffs at some point so I can get it properly set up for myself. Griff if you're reading this how much please.
5. R&G bungs for the lower half of the bike etc (gonna need the torque wrench to put these on I'm thinking)
6. I want to get some protection film for the front forks to stop stone chips on them (not that expensive but all adds up. Ventureshield I had on the GSXR and thats really good stuff but more expensive than the stuff I was gonna buy)
7. Was thinking of getting some wider bars for the bike (just cos I fancy a wider grip)
I'm sure the list could go on further but just totalling up that lot its near enough £700. Jee whizz its an expensive hobby.