Heated Grips

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Down under here in NZ you can get possum fur nipple warmers.

They are the ****.

And befoe you get all animal cruelty on my ass, the possums (like all australian species intoduced in NZ, yes, including humans) are pests and shot on sight.
They carry bovine TB and spread it to our cattle (the humans as well as posssums).

They harrass our sheep (just the humans this time).

Better stop now.
absolute top grips there pal, i,ve had them on my past 3 bikes. the advantage with these is you can pick proper grips to go over them not the feckin rock hard oxford *****, and if your carefull the switch fits (04 model) on the little fold on the dash either side of your clocks, nice and neat.


warm palmed nancy.....:thumbup

Very interested in these, can you tell me though, can you use the original grips again?? (if i manage to get them off in the first place!)!!!:thumbup
Well finally got round to fitting these heated grips, bit more of a pain than i had anticipated!!!

Firstly had to drill out the bars to 16mm (about 2 inches in) Then had to drill out a 3/8'' hole in the underside of the bars to fit the wires through. Left all switchgear, grips and the bars un moved on the bike. Then lifted the tank (whilst i was under there fitted a K&N air filter!!) and ran the wires back to the rear section. Under the rear seat, wired up a relay so the grips can only be on if the ignition is on (saves drainging the battery if i forget!), and temporarily fitted the switch. Waiting for the autoswitch to turn up but being messed around by the company that sold it to me (sent the wrong one!!) Once fitted that will let me turn the grips on and off using the headlight flash switch (cool!!)

went out at the weekend for the first time with them on. Used on the low setting and was feeling a little dissapointed (not sure what i was expecting really) was a cold morning and my hands weren't freezing, but what made me feel it was worthwhile was when we'd travelled 70 miles, one of the guys got off and couldn't feel his hands (didn't have heated grips!!) Mine were fine! On the way back i could really feel the heat, so turned them off.

So all in all, job done, looks really neat, looks original (all grips etc left and not moved) and hands didn't freeze. Well worthwhile.

At the end of the day, you can call me what you like for having heated grips, but hands like it, and must have balls to have let myself loose on the bike with a 16mm drill bit!!!
Good work but put some piccies on Locko, not everyone is good with their hands on here. Might be a simple job to most of us but I bet theirs loads want to have a go and won't cause they reckon its hard. :thumbup

When I was looking for the crash protectors for mine I couldn't believe how many were scared of getting certain makes of them because you had to 'cut' peices of plastic.

I took some pics when fitting my R&G crash protectors. Dead simple, might put them on. :thumbup You first tho :blush
Good work but put some piccies on Locko, not everyone is good with their hands on here. Might be a simple job to most of us but I bet theirs loads want to have a go and won't cause they reckon its hard. :thumbup

When I was looking for the crash protectors for mine I couldn't believe how many were scared of getting certain makes of them because you had to 'cut' peices of plastic.

I took some pics when fitting my R&G crash protectors. Dead simple, might put them on. :thumbup You first tho :blush

Fancy these grips myself.......so pics please ..................:thumbup
Thank feck i had these fitted today bloody baltic up here, anyway these babies work a treat kept the hands very nice and toasty.

I don't give a feck what anyone thinks i know i prefer to be warm.

Don't understand why you would go to the hassle of removing them?? makes bugger all difference unless you got little wee hands or something?? I still have good grip and feel on the bars with them fitted.
Attached some pics:

Grip1, is as it says on the tin, an original Tuono grip!!! To install the poly heaters i didn't have to remove any of the grips or switchgear, just the bar end weight.

Grip2, shows the poly heater inside the bar

Grip3, shows the wiring that i've but in from the heaters. It comes through the bars and goes under the tank to the rear section. The black sheath that i ran the cables through is heatshrink, so i might heat it up to make it look a bit neater!

The autoswitch should be in the post, so when that arrives i'll wire it up so that i can turn the grips on or off with a flash of the lights! (cool!) There will be an LED as well to show me when they are on or off.

Here is a link to autoswitch: http://www.autoswitch.com/

Here is a link to poly heaters install that helped me a lot: http://www.motorcycle.com/how-to/heated-grips-evaluation-71386.html

Got the heaters from Alchemy Bikes http://www.alchemybikes.co.uk/cruiser4sale.cfm , think there were about £31. Got a relay off ebay for £4.50, 6amp wire off ebay £5 for 25metres! (5 colours, 5m each) The 16mm drill bit off ebay was about £4 as well, so all in all a pretty cheap job and very happy!
I guess comparing these to the grip type heaters, the only difficulty i had the the Tuono is that i had to drill out the bars. The wiring would be the same. Best thing is, everything looks stock, you wouldn't really know the heaters were there!
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Excellent buddy...................think it may well be beyond my capabilities though unfortunately.....................it may aswell be in Japanese i'm afraid!!!!!

I'm fecking useless with electrics................:thumbup
I have a set of the new oxford grips on mine £50 sheets off ebay, had them on all my bikes and they are great. Can use your summer gloves all year round and are **** hot in the rain.

Went over the Lecht in January bloody Baltic thank feck for the heated grips. Get them fitted.

Dont get the ones from last year they are a real pain difficult to use the new ones have much better button control easy to use, and a piece of piss to fit!

How hot is ****?

I don't think one of my brown windsors would even knock the frost off!
Got wrap round oxford grips so they can be taken off for summer, back on for autumn at the mo. Got em fra Hein Gercke ....cheaper as theyre shutting dooon. A relay via rear light under the riders seat ensures th:crazyey go off with ignition. Unless I leave parking lights on :crazy warm mits tho !!
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