Heated grips??

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Jan 22, 2014
Shetland Isles
Hi, wondered if anyone has tried these grips before?
Datatool - 100% Motorcycle Alarms, Locks and Chains, Stolen Bike Tracking, Bike AccessoriesDatatool Therma Grip
It's fekin cold up here and im getting on a bit so I'm seeking a bit more comfort whilst out and about, looks very easy to install as its only a direct feed from the battery with an inbuilt voltage sensor to activate the grips so no need to splice into the wiring :biggrin
I know its not maybe very 'cool' but needs must and I'd rather be warm an toasty that fekin freezing. :bigsmile
I've got heated grips fitted by the previous owner....I'm in no rush to take the off mate lol.
I was out with Gilo from the other channel a couple of weekends ago , over the quantocks and exmoor it was ******* freezing and hes got a new S1000R Beemer with heated grips , needless to say my hands were fecking cold , his werent !!! wish i had them for that ride ...
They look to be very good quality, had a look at the fitting instructions on the datatool link that you put in your initial post.

Couldn't find a price tho' any idea of cost?

think there around £60.

not fer me i,m afraid.

last ones i used where a membrane which meant you could use any grip of your choice
Had Oxfords on my Speedtriple.........great while they last, which wasn't long.
I would be inclined to go with a heated jacket & gloves combo. Used to use a Gerbring setup which was great but more than £60 though.
Ive got heated grips on my T , deffo wouldn't be without ,em now .

I used to take the piss out of tourer types with heated grips and other mod cons , but saw the light so to speak .

hands don't ache now like they used to either after a longish ride .
I was thinking I'll catch some grief too hilift but think comfort outweighs the grief, looked at then hot grips too but the Datatool ones look real simple to wire in. Think I'll opt for them if I go for any and not tell me mates
Cheers ric always good to hear off someone who has them. Where did you mount the switch ?
I've got heated grips on the hornet, but none on the tuono.
Whereas I love the toastiness of the heated grips, I don't like the feel of the grips.
They feel a bit chunky by comparison.
Bit like comparing a wheelbarrow handle to the handle of a sword.
To summarise.....they're OK for comfort...but **** for 'feel'
Yeah, I have these grips, didn't fit them myself, saw me through the winter. They cool pretty quick when taking your hand off them though, using the clutch or brake for e.g. So I got a pair of handlebar muffs, compliment the heater very well. THe other downside- they make it even harder to reach the indicators...
Good to hear they work well, ordered a pair myself so cant wait to see how well they perform, bloody cold hand after 30min ride last night :-(
Still cold out there for sure, I don't remember how I managed through the previous winters without heated grips. I don't think you'll regret it.
Well got the grips fitted tonight, what a difference, it's only 8 degrees here tonight but hands were nice and toasty after a quick 20 min blast, hands are usually frozen by 20 mins usually at this temp. They have 4 temp settings on them and I like the way they switch on and off with the engine, bit fiddly to fit on the throttle tube and not quite neat on the TC mount but I think I can live with that for warm hands :biggrin. :biggrin highly recommend them so far :thumbup
New here but on my 3rd Tuono.....got a V2 Factory as well as the V4
I put heated grips on the V2 a few weeks back and got them shipped from germany for £60..
OXFORD Premium HOTGRIPS heated handlebar grips - SPORT - NEW | eBay
...lovely and cosey....newer oxford control units are great and fully sealed...old ones gave up after a season or 2 as water could get in and corrode the PCB.
On the V4 its a pain to do because of the TCS buttons which has its mounting clamp under the stock grip....you need to either shave that and the heated grip inner or live with a gap and unsightly bracket.
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