fuel pump assemby

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Aug 1, 2015
hi ya all, after fixing my stator issue I got the bike running and i put the original cans on for the m.o.t and it ran like a bag of ****! stalled everywhere! at first i thought it was the standard can as it is set up for the mivv's but when i changed them back it still did it.
I then thought the fuel filter has never been changed in 17000 miles so i decieded to change it. now i cant't start the bike!
I may have put the filter in upside down as i failed to make a note of the flow direction, yes i know I'm a dick!!.
so after removing the tank (again) would I be correct in thinking that the filter is after the pump? would seem a logical assumption! also there is a blue wire which apperars to have broken off, on the original filter it had a screw fitted to one side, does this attach there or above the second lower fitting (also blue) is this an earth?
please help as Its doing my nut in!!
many thanks
I`ve had a problem with the pump not working recently. I removed the pump and checked if it was still working .... it was. Problem ?????. Read somewhere that it could be the wiring . Changed and replaced , all running now. I am more or less certain the blue wire goes to the plastic filter.

Two blues come in ............. one goes to the black connector and the other one ................goes to the white connector and then on to the screw fix on the filter
thanks for the reply bud, I had another look last night and i found the electrical eyelet on the filter so you are right about that.
I'm going to swop the filter round and hopefully that will be that.
thanks again for your help m8
ok then went out this morning, changed the filter round and reconnected the blue wire to the filter and.... nothing!!! , could hear the pump working but would not fire up, then i got a service indicator on the dash as the battery died!
I had to persist in starting the bike to get fuel through. A good charged battery helps , need to prime a few times.

Sounds familiar , not starting. Like I said the pump worked so put all back together...........all OK taken and passed MOT then next day wouldn`t start so kicked it over and jumped on it to no avail. SO emptied tank and removed AGAIN and got new wiring for the pump. Replaced and works , the wiring looked OK
spoke to chris at aprillia performance and he said to check the plugs as they get enriched on starting.
sure nuff , black as the ace of spades! got a new set coming today so i'm hoping that will be the issue now.
ok then soo i put new plugs in and ..... nada, square root of jack!! I could'nt hear the fuel pump whirr, how do you test it out of the tank? also the braided hose has a rather nasty kink in it, would that be affecting it?
Check the pipes in side the tank between the pump and filter these split which cause no fuel pressure, also If I remember correct the pump primes with ign on and then only runs once the engine is cranking over so you may not hear it.
If the pipe is kinked this wont help at all, sort out the kinked pipe. I remember Chris13 having the same issues and I think he swapped the pipe round so the kinked end was re positioned at the throttle bodies.
I am sure Chris13 will read this and correct me if I'm wrong.
Yes I switched it around to ease the kink, but I also had a split in the pipe inside the tank.
Fuel will get to the injectors but with no pressure to actually inject the fuel.
cheers chris, i have switched it round but to no avail, i will check the pipes inside the tank
thanks for your help
ok then, ive checked the pipes on the filter, all appears to be ok, could'nt see or feel any splits, checked the plugs, just to make sure they were sparking and they were, they were also bone dry so i'm starting to think it might be the kink in the fuel pipe causing the problem.
sorry to keep resurecting this thread but i can't seem to fathom the problem, might have to bite the bullet and go give it to a grown up!!
Kinks in pipes, tubes blocked .......... ???
Unless the fuel pump primes it isn`t going to work .................................................. electricity.
Pm me your email and I can send you the workshop manual for your bike.

hi m8, thanks for the offer of the manual but i've got it sorted now, gave it to a grown up and he fixed the problem after relieving me of £70!
thanks again to everyone who replied to this thread
I guess by the fact you haven't disclosed what the issue was it must have been user error? :)

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