Front brakes problem 😱😱😱

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Sep 28, 2018
Sussex uk
Hi guys. Need some help . I’m usually pretty good with this but this time is driving me crazy . I have taken off the front wheel
To change the tyre when I went to re fit it i pushed the caliper pistons with the screw driver .
Once all fitted went to bleed the brakes and nothing works all my tricks , undoing the banjo bolts gravity bleed etc
However if I undo the bolts that hold the left caliper and leave them loose I have brakes !! As soon as I tighten them up the lever Goes all the way down . Any ideas ?
Check the straightness of the rotor.

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Hi thank you !! I thought of that , in case they bent them in the tyre machine , they seem fine
Is almost as if there are washers missing between the caliper and the carriers
But I m pretty sure there wasn’t any when I took them apart if I undo all 4 bolts the callipers sit on the discs nicely wondering if the wheel isn’t sitting straight unfortunately I don’t have a user manual .🤔

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